I have a Carla Imitation Learning Client(given in the carla repo) running on a Linux machine and the Carla Server.exe (Release 0.7.1) running on a Windows 10 machine. The Carla server is run with the …
In the OpenDrive map xodr files (at least in town01 and town02), I foun…
The RoadCorridor is an agent specific class that contains roads and lanes on which the agent is driving.
Additionally, there is a LaneCorridor that contains merged lanes that are valid until the fi…
I am trying to import map to Carla,Using fbx and xodr file.
I have proper xodr file(only line and arc geometry).
I have problem in generating routes using OpenDriveActor
When i click Ope…
Hello Carla Team,
platfrom: carla 9.6,unrealrengine 4.22,ubuntu 18.04
I am trying to import a map in carla through unreal engine by following the steps mentioned in the below link:
The reason is that it complicates our test and debugging tool chain that we always need python to parse the map.
Driving corridor generation depends on goal definition which is problematic if goal is on other lane, for instance desired in merging scenario
-> better concept needed based on which info…
Carla 0.9.6
In this xodr (uploaded as txt because github complains) we have
Road 1 (successor = 2)
* Lane 1 (successor 1)
* Lane 0
* Lane -1 (successor -1)
Road 2 (predecessor = 1)
In xodr_parser.py , if the previous lane to the current one (except the two closet lanes to the reference line) is not a support lane type, then `get_lane_by_position` called in `create_cpp_lane_secti…
try out the scenario from the Carla Challenge (https://carlachallenge.org/challenge/nhtsa/) to import the XODR file in BARK and see if it looks similar to Carla
--> is it really according to the st…