## 🚶 背景 🚶
## 🏃 速度関連のファイル 🏃
### 1. [motor_driver_params.yaml](…
The ReadMe.md (https://github.com/YanjieZe/Humanoid-Teleoperation/blob/main/humanoid_teleoperation/README.md) says we need to install the directory teleop-real, however, I can't find it in the …
Hi, I tried your blvr_diffbot_bringup launch file, and this is the output that I receive, Is it normal? As I could not control the motor using teleop control. Thank you for your time and contribution.…
During running, the following error occurred:
roslaunch crazyflie_demo teleop_xbox360.launch uri:=radio://0/100/2M/E7E7E7E701
* /crazyflie/crazyflie_add/enable_logging:…
current info page doesn't have up to date information
No longer looking at
- did the robot score (auto)
- robot contact (in auto)
- notes in speaker amplified (teleop)
- any human player inform…
Hello sir, I have been following your videos for my project sequentially. I have a small snag. In simulation, the ros2_control teleop works perfectly and both gazebo and rviz responds accordingly, but…
Im using an Asus Xtion Pro Live.
After pairing successfully pairing it with my Nexus 10, it's unable to show the camera feed.
However, I'm able to see image view on rviz.
Any guides? Thanks.
Since the same drive controls are used every year, it might be good to include a base teleop drive command that provides the basic driving and can be extended by user code.
Go to the original launch file that the underlay uses for joy and controller... copy it and frankenstein together a new one that works with our custom packages :)
Error when executing the minilab_teleop launch files.
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [minilab_teleop/minilab_teleop_ZQSD]: can't locate node [minilab_teleop_ZQSD] in package [minilab_teleop]