> bash scripts/prep_mmseqs_dbs.sh data/
Thank you for DRAM, I met a issue when I load a databases.
(DRAM) qinjunjun@dn1 /data1/qinjunjun/zhu_bingduzu $ DRAM-setup.py prepare_databases --output_dir /data1/qinjunjun/zhu_bingduzu/DRAM_data
* phrokka version: 0.1.4
* Python version: Python 3.9.13
* Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
### Description
I tried pharokka but I encountered a bug after processing hhsuite.
The log is…
I am trying to run Orthofinder on 109 proteomes (longest isoform filtered) with the following command:
`orthofinder -a 1 -t 45 -S mmseqs -b ./OrthoFinder/Results_Sep24_3/`
EDIT: forgot t…
Hi Mike,
I'm looking forward to using DRAM, but I'm having an issue at the 'DRAM-setup.py prepare_databases' step. I hope I'm not missing something simple on my end. I am running in a conda environ…
`foldseek createdb pfamprocessed/ foldseekDB`
directory pfamprocessed contains PDB files in format:
> ATOM 7 CG LEU 1 41.236 47.777 43.697
> ATOM 9 CD1 LEU 1 …
## Expected Behavior
`mmseqs databases Kalamari kalamari tmp` should grab the "Kalamari" sequences and produce a taxonomy database.
## Current Behavior
Fails to download anything and database cre…
I've installed the latest version of MBH and I am following the steps for version 3 of the metagenomics workflow, but I cannot find the scripts used in the MMSeqs2 section- are these still under …
Hi, I'm running single-easy mode using a co-assembly and I got the following error:
2022-08-11 15:57:07,511 - Do not detect GPU. Running with CPU.
2022-08-11 15:57:11,364 - Generate training …
## Expected Behavior
I have been trying to build the colabfold expandable profile databases on my local machine, however I am encountering an error when running the tsv2exprofiledb command. The comma…