I am currently working on the Doosan ROS Control HW Interface to get the dsr_joint_trajectory_controller running. However, it seems that there are only APIs in Python and C++ available that offer "mot…
This is a meta-issue / discussion issue for the first Melodic release, which is planned to include a number of breaking changes.
Summarising for now:
- `universal_robot` (metapackage) (removed …
## Background
Hi all,
My setup is as follows:
* Ubuntu 22.04
* ROS 2 Humble installed via binaries
* ros2_control and ros2_controllers installed via binaries
I've been using the `JointTrajec…
First of all, thank you very much for developing a ROS2 driver for ABB Robots.
I am planning to control an ABB IRB120 robot using ROS2.0 Foxy. I have followed the instructions [here](https://…
I know this is superfluous whining, but the dependency on `abb_driver` makes very little sense to me, if nobody is maintaining that package and there's no real dependency on it for the actual content …
Are there any plans for porting this controller to ROS2? In our project, we have rewritten the only compliance controller to the ROS2 but without the ros control part (just plain calculation). Ma…
Looking at files like [irb120_ros2_gazebo/urdf/irb120_macro.urdf.xacro](https://github.com/IFRA-Cranfield/ros2_RobotSimulation/blob/0aa4b29a7e11d81ede661e3230e7f7defb610f15/ABBRobots/IRB120/irb120_ros…
We have available several options:
- [CREOSON](http://www.creoson.com/).
- C++ Toolkit.
- Java API (we started out with https://github.com/ami-iit/element_creo-exporter in the past).
- Javascript …
I'm trying to edit the launch file and replace the turtlebot urdf file and package with a desired urdf file and package. In this case it is a ABB 1200
As part of the `melodic-devel-staging` breaking changes (#448) we should consider whether to change the models in `ur_gazebo` to a `hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface` by default, instead of the …