高老师您好,在ch9 bundle_adjustment_g2o.cpp中 第70行计算径向扭曲的时候 用了 r2这个变量,应该是指归一化的极坐标。r2的计算是对归一化坐标做了一个平方和,请问这里为什么不用减去1呢,因为算极坐标不是只需要前两维就可以了吗。
Transferred from http://code.opencv.org/issues/1545
|| p x on 2012-01-13 06:14
|| Priority: Normal
|| Affected: branch '2.4'
|| Category: stitching
|| Tracker: Bug
|| Difficulty: None
|| PR:
|| …
I am trying to pipeline a different slam algorithm into this bundle adjustment implementation. Is there a straightforward method of inputting poses into this and just running bundle adjustment?
Finally got the bundle to install, with ```yarn start:contract``` installing into agoriclocal running inside of agoriclocal-genesis=0 pod, from ```multichain-testing```:
``` …
Thanks for your awesome work!
Hi, I get the following error when building:
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/larsh/development/pixel-perfect-sfm/build/t…
Hello, i ingest the future data and they are good at datapotal,but the create_continuous_future in volume are strange,Please help..thank you.
bundle_name = 'future_data3'
trading_calendar = get_…
I propose we add a way to provide a custom path for fantomas on `Fantomas.Client`.
As explained on [Ionide's discussion](https://github.com/ionide/ionide-vscode-fsharp/discussions/2025#discussionco…
I am trying to train with my custom data but the extracted object file is empty (it opens but nothing is there). I was using 23 images when I got these results.
First I run the img2poses file:
I am trying with the Bundle Adjustment example using bundle_adjustment_bal.cpp but I am facing issue when adding Key Value to variable on line number 60. The error is
Data association is the association of features into tracks before bundle adjustment. Currently this is done with Union-find.
We currently observe the following problems with data association: