ubuntu 20.04 focal, ros2 foxy, cloned cartographer from the ros2 branch, cloned cartographer_ros from the ros2 branch as well, added: install(DIRECTORY launch DESTINATION share/${PROJECT_NAME} ) to ca…
The `cartographer_node` only publishes the location of the robot relative to the map as a Transform, and does not publish the robot position as `geometry_msgs.msg.PoseWithCovariance`. It would be nice…
I got this error while building the package. Seems there is no msg file in cartographer_ros called StampedSubmapEntry.
In file included from /home/m/catkin_ws/src/pointcloud_accumulator/pointc…
Example https://github.com/cartographer-project/cartographer_ros/blob/master/azure-pipelines.yml
Since `cartographer/common/mutex.h` is deleted at https://github.com/cartographer-project/cartographer/commit/8d5bf2a5dd823624c574359ba20558c9f0ab0323, the current cartographer_ros release 1.0.0 canno…
[Cartographer SLAM for Non-GPS Navigation](https://ardupilot.org/dev/docs/ros-cartographer-slam.html) - Describe the issue/suggestion and improve the title. Please keep a link to the original article …
When i try to build the package from this repository ' https://github.com/ros2/cartographer_ros.git ' it shows an error that
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:32 (find_package):
By not providing "…
cartographer = require 'externalLibs.cartographer.cartographer' -- if it's in subfolders
-- load a map
local map = cartographer.load 'map.lua'
function love.load()
local layer = map:getLay…
What I try to accomplish:
I'm trying to configure mavros with px4 in Gazebo to run (cartographer)[http://wiki.ros.org/cartographer] (cartographer isn't running atm) and I'm looking at a TF tree …
- 增加cartographer中文文档:https://google-cartographer-ros.readthedocs.io/en/latest/