Hello, I wonder why cmake doesn't work if I look at the code below.
uavxavier@uavxavier-desktop:~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make
Base path: /home/uavxavier/catkin_ws
Source space: /home/uavxavier/catkin_…
I'm currently using lio-sam and have a question about it.
I am using a Velodyne VLP16 LiDAR and a 9-axis IMU sensor, but I'm encountering a "Large velocity, reset IMU-preintegration!" erro…
I am using an OS0-32 sensor and an internal imu. The following is the configuration file I wrote, but it cannot function properly.
Some parameters are not well understood and have not been modified:o…
I encountered a warning message in my ROS system with the following content:
Large velocity detected, triggering IMU-preintegration reset and unable to build proper map of the enviro…
Hello! I was trying to use this package with my own VLP-16 but after a couple of seconds, the `alaserPGO` node crashes every time I try to run it.
I can see the original A-LOAM's path and point clo…
... logging to /home/keisoku/.ros/log/fac91196-ff77-11ed-a940-fbe2fa91ebf6/roslaunch-keisoku-desktop-33436.log
Checking log directory for disk u…
Hello,when I build tensorflow_ros_cpp the error is:
segmap_ws catkin build tensorflow_ros_cpp --cmake-args -DFORCE_TF_PIP_SEARCH="ON" \
-DTF_PYTHON_VERSION="python2.7" \
Can you tell me that which line of code I needed to use this package for the ouster os1 64? I need to use this package with a rosbag recorded with point cloud and image topic. I need t…