Hi everyone, i'm having an issue trying to move the robot on gazebo, I followed all the instructions of the videos and the troubleshoot, but it doesn't move, only tried it with the keyboard. I didn't …
I started this, but we need to be able to move the foundation in TeleOp (assuming we use our Baby Yoda chassis).
While holding Driver Y, we randomly get wheel drag. What is causing this?
Hi qbotics,
I've been following your book to teleoperate the Turtlebot with leap motion.
I get stuck at creating the package vr_leap_teleop.
I did use `$ catkin_create_pkg vr_leap_teleop roscpp…
Undefine all button map enums from 2023 in TeleopControlFunctions.h and TeleopControlMap.h
Create CLIMB_MODE and SCORING_MODE Enum and assign them accordingly:
Driver Select Button: Climb Mode
@artivis - in both the source repo and ros-testing Debians on ROS Dashing, I receive this warning every time I launch the node:
[joy_teleop-2] [WARN] [joy_teleop]: parameter use_sim_time is not …
1. Which TurtleBot3 platform do you use?
- [ ] Burger
- [ ] Waffle
- [x ] Waffle Pi
2. Which ROS is working with TurtleBot3?
- [ ] ROS 1 Kinetic…
Hi, thanks for your inspiring work!
During simulation, we encountered some issues:
The IP and ports were correctly set.
When we run `python teleop.py robot=allegro_sim sim_env=True` the scene in Me…
I tried to set the variables speed_limit and turn_limit with a .yaml file and when I run the launch file, the following appear as parameters:
- /teleop_twist_keyboard/speed_limit: 0.5
- /teleop_twi…
Hi, just received Mini Pupper and was wondering if someone has already made ROS2 integration. Then found this repo. Good job!
I wonder if you have plans to integrate `teleop_twist_keyboard` node to…