Hello, I tried reproducing the 2d embedding plot in Fig. 2 of your paper by training a VIP and TCN model on 100 demos from Franka Kitchen sdoor_open task. This is the plot that I'm getting after train…
In the paper, you mentioned that you executed the policy on two different robots: UR5 and Franka. Is it possible to release the code for Franka as well? Thanks!
![Screenshot from 2023-07-19 14-22-04](https://github.com/saahu27/aprs/assets/89718768/fc3354f0-6313-4ea0-8b48-0c2a54ae9de1)
I think there are changes between urdf format for gazebo classic and gaz…
Hi there! I've noticed there is an `include_gripper` option in the `PandaRobot` class, but how can I control the state (i.e., open or close) of the gripper in the manipulation process? Could you provi…
Hello! I would like to report the issue that I met when running the Clone repo and build packages process. I guess the error may happen due to the missing of backward_ros during ros2 installation.
### What happened?
In `drake/manipulation/models/franka_description/urdf` we provide some sample URDFs for the Franka Panda robot.
If one of those models is loaded into a scene that contains ren…
Hi all,
I'm trying to use libfranka with Qt.
I've installed libfranka as described in "https://frankaemika.github.io/docs/installation_linux.html" following "building libfranka", and I can run e…
Is there a package that can directly support franka?
My field of interest is robotics and developing software in ROS for impedance control. My goal is to test my code on two robots, one active robot and one passive. The active robot will try…
I have a franka emika panda model and I wrote a short script to make it pick up a small cube. The problem is that this cube slips away from the end-effector, see the attached video. I tried pl…