Upon building slambench the command `make usecases`does not render consitent options. Building it using instructions in WSL the output shows :
HI, I'm having issues running build_ros.sh on ubuntu 20.04, this is the [CMakeLists.txt](https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2/files/6375696/CMakeLists.txt)
and this is the output of build_ros.sh:
When I tried to compile the project, I always had this problem.
> - Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/wangshuo/ORB_SLAM2/ORB_SLAM2/build
make[2]: *** No rule to make t…
I need to align camera trajectory from ORB-SLAM2 with google map. I've found that there are similar results in the Vins-mono paper. However, the authors didn't mention about how to make it. Anyone ca…
I would like to ask about the use of ORBSLAM2 instead of Openvslam. I have successfully compiled and installed ORB_SLAM2 and modified the launch file, but still failed.
Hi! I met an error when running the code. I have tried this both with cpu and gpu.
Initialated Mask RCNN network...
Creating net instance...
Loading net parameters...
Bus error (core dumped)
kxhit updated
3 years ago
I have successfully run your code; it’s a nice work. However, I have some issues when applying it and hope to get your help.
1. The final results only include the render image and camera outputs; the…
你好!我用您的代码已经成功的运行了数据集,现在我想要在realsense d435i相机上运行,进行实时的稠密建图。我在自己的尝试中,对ros_rgbd_mapping.cc进行了修改,我注释掉了对数据集处理的部分,订阅的话题换成了相机提供的话题,但是最后在运行时,并没有图像出现。我需要您的帮助,您能给出代码的修改建议么?
When i executted Kitti dataset, it meet a trouble like this:
`Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Have someone meet this toruble like me and how to deal with ? tkanks!
All the thing like this:
JinLn updated
4 months ago
非常感谢您的开发成果的分享,请问基于ORB SLAM2的系统鲁棒性如何?如何提高,比如容易升级到ORB SLAM3或其他么,感谢。