I am creating a Galaxy wrapper for SemiBin ([current work](https://github.com/bebatut/tools-iuc/tree/semibin/tools/semibin)).
Thanks for having small test data there. It is so helpful to tes…
Hey I've seen that you already started to allow running mmseqs outside of SemiBin.
Do you think there could be an efficient way to annotate a large set of samples with taxonomy by first creating a…
I'm trying to integrate this into some pipelines at JCVI and I have to make a lot of post hoc "helper scripts" to do some post-processing.
I wanted to run a few minor feature requests by you:
1. C…
I woould like to run localcolabfold on a cluster which compute nodes does not have internet access.
problem is one of the first step is to try to download pickled msa info from https://…
Hi there,
Just recently I am trying [Colabfold web ](https://colab.research.google.com/github/sokrypton/ColabFold/blob/main/AlphaFold2.ipynb#scrollTo=G4yBrceuFbf3)and `colabfold_batch` command lin…
When I run the mmseqs command i got the error
Error in if (grepl("AVX2", system("sysctl -a | grep 'AVX2'", intern = T))) { :
argument is of length zero
In addition: Warning message:
After conda installing the latest version of eggnog I get this error when calling diamond:
`Error running diamond: Error: Invalid output field: scovhsp`
The diamond version installed b…
## Expected Behavior
I'm currently trying to align a database with 23391 structures against a dabase of CATH s35 PDB files in an all vs all fashion.
## Current Behavior
Segmentation fault at li…
Hi all, I'm having a similar issue that hasn't been resolved. I've tried running DRAM-setup.py twice with this batch command:
##### Constructed by HPC everywhere #####
Hello. I am totally appreciative with all the efforts poured in creating this AAI tool. Well done.
I have just some issue with the second step, the calculation of AAI. I have successfully extracted…