I get empty files HPVfusionPointContig and ContigSequence.fa.
Also, you left your paths to the tools in the scripts and some of the tools you are using are very old versions (GATK, Pear).…
I have a question on downloading TCGA data. I used the gdc command line tool to download the WSIs for BRCA. However, a significant number of svs files did not download correctly, resulting in a lot of…
Mutations profile has 5 fewer samples than it used to.
Hi, I create a ngchm file to view my heatmap. I want a certain bar to be hidden by default, and then appear after the user checks it (such as "type" as below). How to achieve it? Thanks!
The oncoprinter is a tool that allows users to upload their own data and visualize it using an Oncoprint.
A user requested the ability to use the color cho…
Trying to run PDX S/T example and even on a cluster running out of memory (error below). Also, cannot run a large number of replicates on TCGA data in multiprocessing for similar error as before (nega…
fetch("http://localhost:8082/api/clinical-data-counts/fetch?", {
"headers": {
"accept": "*/*",
"accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
"cache-control": "no-cache",
@KyleGao I suggest that we add a directory containing a subset with one or 2 examples of biosample ..., where we have all standard metadata attributes populated (TNM, sex, age, ...). This would be ver…
There is a new paper criticizing featureCount for not being able to quantify lncRNA expression effectively. Here is my summary of their paper:
1. featureCount under-estimated lncRNA expression compar…
NA counts are missing from results here (not in legacy)
curl 'http://localhost:8082/api/column-store/generic-assay-data-bin-counts/fetch?dataBinMethod=STATIC' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' …