I'm replacing g2o with ceres in teb code frame. And the basic robot model and obstacle model is polymorphism frame.
For example.
class CeresTebInflatedObstacle {
addEdge: FATAL, cannot resolve caches for edge 0x55f064d9c880
addEdge: FATAL, cannot resolve caches for edge 0x55f0…
Following from https://github.com/colcon/colcon-core/issues/52, it would be fantastic to have a system similar to catkin-tools profiles, which define build settings at the workspace level.
The comm…
## Describe the bug
When I run the following command:
rosrun stella_vslam_ros run_slam -v /home/sp/lib/stella_vslam_examples/build/o_vocab.fbow -c /home/sp/lib/stella_vslam/example/aist/equ…
I set flag in CMakeLists of benchmark to ON, but looks like it cannot find it.
CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:532 (find_package):
By not providing "Findbenchmark.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH …
When I build pangolin inside the container, it records **an absolute path to libpangolin.so in container** to some file automatically, so if I am trying to run ‘make slambench APPS=lsdslam’ on host ma…
Maybe you haven't add the full codes of CMakeLists.txt, because it says the g2o libraries are not found.
# Question
I have known that the latest [g2o](https://github.com/RainerKuemmerle/g2o/releases/tag/20230223_git) has supported variable size vertex. Has g2o supported variable sized edge? For example,…
## Describe the bug
I am experiencing a building error related to the g2o library when trying to run the stella_vslam_ros package.
## To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
The bag is…
## Describe the bug
I am having a building error related to the g2o library when I try to run the stella_vslam_ros.
First of all I followed the instructions and installed the stella_vslam and its…