I am trying to use pybullet for a reinforcement learning algorithm (DDPG) using a custom urdf model I have made of a biped (12 joints and torso). I initialize my environment with gravity, then p.setTi…
Currently MegaMekLab produces nice printed record sheets.
It does not seem to have an option to include some common quick reference charts onto the sheets as the defunct Solaris Skunk Werks had:
Starting from #63 we started to use `Eigen` actively on the framework. As you probably know `Eigen` suppresses several checks if the consumer library/application is compiled in `Release`, this may lea…
Please see the attached screenshot.
It's the first hit of the combat, resulting in a M1 wound on the upper arm.
Expected result: Shock Roll and Fumble Roll
Actual result: Shock Roll
mrg67 updated
3 years ago
Hi, I am using tsid on its python version. In my implementation I need the robot to track certain desired Divergent Component of the Motion (DCM) and Center of Pressure (CoP) on a given contact surfac…
This feature it will be very useful if we are going to use other libraries (i.e. Eigen) as input objects for `KinDyn`
As regards vectors this can be easily handled by using the `iDynTree::Span`. Fo…
As written in the Eigen documentation, the default storage order of matrices is `ColMajor`, however in `iDynTree` the matrices are stored as `RowMajor`.
This raises a problem when we try to use th…
When I ran the example code, I found that even in the testing session, the SAC strategy is still a random policy. Shouldn't the mean value be output as a deterministic policy during the training?
Is it possible to compute a center of mass Jacobian on pybullet?
If so, it would be great if you could provide a brief instruction.