I am using the Realsense D435i to build a map (utilizing the infrared and depth cameras, RGBD odometry).
my ENV:
ubuntu 22.04
ros2 humble
I have a PointCloud2 message with 6716596 points, colored in RGB. Publishing it only once and displaying it in RVIZ2 already leads to massive performance drops. When changing the Style e.g. to Boxes, …
After compiling the code from master and running the command
rviz2 -d src/ros-bridge/carla_ad_demo/config/carla_ad_demo_ros2.rviz
The rviz2 windows briefly appears in the screen an…
I'm following in order the training tutorials but I'm encountering a problem in tutorial 3.1 - Workcell XACRO. The UR5 robot is not represented even if everything works with TF after I run t…
What Ego planner has achieved is really appreciable. I am an undergraduate college sophomore trying to replicate this paper integrated with gazebo and px4 but I am facing some issues.
I am able to sp…
I am using a research baxter robot, and i tried to install MoveIt interface to control and validate some works that i am doing, i followed all the instruction provided by the Sdk tutorial and a…
* OS Version: OS X Catalina 10.15.7
* ROS Distro: Noetic
* RViz, Qt, OGRE, OpenGl version as printed by rviz:
RViz 1.14.0
Qt 5.15.2
OpenGL 2.1 (GLSL 1.2)
The crash report is:
Thread 6 C…
This is similar to `yaml-cpp` issue mentioned in #152 (and fixed in #160): building `rviz_ogre_vendor` pulls whole ogre (which is big due to them always bundling in all samples, especially terrain one…
Could it be that generated MoveIt configuration packages are missing a `run_depend` on the `moveit_fake_controller_manager`, `rviz` and `warehouse_ros` packages?
Doing a `rosdep install ..` on a cfg …
I've started with a fresh ubuntu 18 - ros melodic and follow your steps.
When I launch: roslaunch ros_autonomous_slam autonomous_explorer.launch I get:
assigner (ros_autonomou…