It would be nice to have a more automatic way to check all the links in aerial robotics landscape.
* https://pypi.org/project/mkdocs-linkcheck/ (found by @TOTON95
This was something that we wou…
Hello! First of all, I want to express my deep appreciation to the authors of this repository—this is a fantastic open-source project. I've been very excited about the research from the HKUST Aerial R…
git clone git@github.com:HKUST-Aerial-Robotics/FC-Planner.git
cd FC-Planner
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
catkin_make --cmake-args -Wno-dev
cd src/hierarchical_coverage_planne…
Are there any plans to port the FUEL planner to ROS 2? With ROS 2 becoming the standard for robotics, a ROS 2 version would greatly enhance its usability.
if not then, Could you provide any gu…
I followed https://github.com/HKUST-Aerial-Robotics/VINS-Mono/issues/74
to get pose covariance, which can then be published in visualization.cpp as topic named `vins_estimator/odometry`
as shown in …
![Screenshot from 2024-11-13 05-06-22](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/53fb58c9-5052-4420-90c6-9bc33b019858)
Hi, when I run
./bin/demo_reg configs/hit_ms/gem_pagor.yaml examples/data/livox/source.pcd examples/data/livox/target.pcd
I get the following error:
Stack trace (most recent call l…
Thank you for your repository!
I have a problem when I run the code.
I think that I I think that by using this repository and this dataset, I can get depth pointcloud and SLAM trajectories like in…
Examples and suggestions:
• Ascend NTNU, one of Norways most innovative student projects!
• Ascend NTNU is one of the few aerial robotics teams at NTNU. We are working towards becoming the be…
Dear authors, thank you for your great contribution to vins-fusion! Following the (Stereo + GPS) tutorial in the readme, I downloaded the 2011_09_30_drive_0020_sync data set for testing, and used "kit…