"Thank you for your work. I would like to ask about the model point_cloud.ply generated from the training. Wh…
What role does the point cloud data obtained according to the segmentation result play in the end?
I looked at the code. It seems that after the 3D points of the point cloud are finally extracted,…
Thanks again for your amazing work!i wonder what's the arguments you used to generate the SFM pointcloud by using convert.py since when i used the default convert.py on images from segment102751 you p…
Dear I would like to visualize a point cloud in a pyside6 widget (QT base) and I have created the code below:
import numpy as np
from vispy import app, scene
from vispy.scene import visuals
I run the newest version of the spot_ros2 driver corresponding to the version 4.1.0
I see all the camera related topics:
Try my own way to find boxes from pointclouds
Given a .ply file, how do I get model inference on this? Say using s3dis' classes. I want PTv3 predictions on these pointclouds that i aim to visually inspect.
`preprocess_s3dis.py` does expect me to…
When I'm using run_patchwork.launch and my own dataset, I want to visualize the "ground" topic in rviz, but it tells me that
Transform [sender=unknown_publisher]
For frame [laser_link]: Fixed Fram…
I receive webgl error when trying to load pointcloud. Viewer focuses on middle of assumed pointcloud but no pointclouds are visible.
Webpack files are Autodesk hosted I assume?