To read LZ4 compressed rosbags via the py_rosbag target from Python, the roslz4 module needs to be passed as a dependency, as it is dynamically loaded during the imports of the bag.py module. See, [in…
Thank you for sharing `ugpm`, I wanted to test it out on data that I have recorded from my `xsens` IMU, I have written a ROS wrapper for `ugpm`, and it worked, however when I run it on my data, I got …
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When working on a computationally constrained system (eg. a single board computer like a raspberry pi) with a full stack running, it…
(I'll just throw this out there in case it might be useful)
Rosbags (https://wiki.ros.org/rosbag) are pretty much a standard in the robotics in terms of datasets. They are also a pretty useful play…
Hey Team,
I was following the tutorial on this link: [http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag/Tutorials/reading%20msgs%20from%20a%20bag%20file](http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag/Tutorials/reading%20msgs%20from%20a%20bag…
Hi Team,
I was trying to run targetless calibration on a custom rosbag collected having velodyne VLP32 and zed2i stereo camera inputs. After running the preprocessing by specifying the input paramete…
We are using the Zivid 2+ M60 model and have observed a discrepancy while working with the camera. Specifically, there is a noticeable difference in image contrast between im…
这个设备是在ubuntu ros平台上运行,我roslaunch他了之后可以获得一个pcd模型文件,模型的产生应该是在那台电脑上完成的,而数据集是一个bag文件可以通过rosbag的方式来把数据集转换成pcd文件,那我能不能再运行设备时,使用一些便携主机运行ubuntu/ros,只获取探测得到的数据集,将bag文件在一台性能更好的电脑上rosbag呢
the device running way…
i really need help.Datasets and rosbags are not available to download.But i need a rosbag using landmark to relocalization.
I really need! Thank you very much!
I beg beg beg beg beg beg eg beg beg b…
Hi guys,
Thanks a lot for sharing this impressive work!
I see in the project webpage (https://rpg.ifi.uzh.ch/eds.html) that you offer to download the rosbags. Is there anyway to run EDS with rosbags…