NDHANA94 / hyperdog_ros2

HyperDog is a quadruped robot which is fully based on ROS 2 and Micro-ROS
54 stars 17 forks source link
micro-ros micro-ros-stm32 quadruped-robot quadruped-robot-gaits quadruped-simulation ros2


HyperDog is a quadruped robot which is fully based on ROS 2 and Micro-ROS.




This repository contains ros2 packages for quadruped robot HyperDog. packages are :

  1. hyperdog_msgs : this package contains the msgs those used by other packages.

    1. `JoyCtrlCmds` : this contains the control variables of the robot from the gamepad
          - `bool[3] states` : { start, walk, side_move_mode} 
          - `uint8 gait_type` : to change the gait type
          - `geometry_msgs/Pose pose` : to control slant(x,y) and roll,pitch,yaw
          - `geometry_msgs/Vector3 gait_step` : gait_step.x = steplen_x, gait_step.y = steplen_y, gait_step.z = swing_height
    2. `Geometry`: this contains the parameters for coordinate of each leg and body orientation(roll,pitch,yaw)
          - `geometry_msgs/Point32 fr` : x,y,z end effector coordinates of FR leg
          - `geometry_msgs/Point32 fl` : x,y,z end effector coordinates of FL leg
          - `geometry_msgs/Point32 br` : x,y,z end effector coordinates of BR leg
          - `geometry_msgs/Point32 bl` : x,y,z end effector coordinates of BL leg
          - `geometry_msgs/Quaternion euler_ang` : roll, pitch, yaw angles
  2. hyperdog_teleop : this pkg creates `/hyperdog_teleop_gamepad_node.

    • Node 1 : /joy_node This node creates commands to robot from Gamepad commands
      • subscriber : /joy_node
      • publisher : /hyperdog_joy_ctrl_cmd using the interface hyperdog_msgs/msg/JoyCtrlCmd
  3. hyperdog_ctrl : This pkg has Body_motion_planner and gait_generater and creates the nodes /command_manager_node and /IK_node

    • Body_motion_planner : plans body motions from control commands receive from /command_manager_node

    • gait_generator : generates gaits acording to the given gait_type command from the Gamepad

    • Node 1 : /command_manager_node

      • subscriber : /hyperdog_joy_ctrl_cmd via hyperdog_msgs/msg/JoyCtrlCmds interface
      • publisher : /hyperdog_geometry via hyperdog_msgs/msg/Geometry interface
    • Node 2 : /IK_node

      • subscriber : /hyperdog_geometry via hyperdog_msgs/msg/Geometry interface
      • publisher : /hyperdog_jointController/commands
  4. uros : this is the micro_ros package from its official git. this package is used to launch micro_ros_agent to communicate with micro-controllers which run micro_ros via ROS2

  5. hyperdog_launch : This contains the launch file for all the above nodes and micro_ros_agent

  6. hyperdog_gazebo_sim : Gazebo simmulation

  7. hyperdog_gazebo_joint_cmd : this pkg contains the node /hyperdog_gazebo_joint_cmd to send joint angles to gazebo

    • Node : /hyperdog_gazebo_joint_cmd
      • subscriber : /hyperdog_jointController/commands
      • publisher : '/gazebo_joint_controller/commands`


  1. Create a ROS2 workspace and build this package for ROS2 foxy

    # make the workspace
    mkdir hyperdog_ws/src 
    cd hyperdog_ws/src
    # download the pkg
    git clone https://github.com/NDHANA94/hyperdog_ros2.git
    # build the pkg
    cd .. 
    colcon build
  2. build micro_ros_agent in hyperdog_ws from the git repository https://github.com/micro-ROS/micro_ros_setup/tree/foxy. follow instuction and build the micro_ros_agent.

  3. edit line 41 in hyperdog_ros2/src/hyperdog_launch/launch/hyperdog.launch.py script to configure your serial port.

  4. go to hyperdog_ws directory and build all the packages again


    source the workspace

    source hyperdog_ws/install/setup.bash

    to add workspace source permenently to .bashrc:

    # add source 
    echo "source /home/$USER/hyperdog_ws/install/setup.bash" >> ~/.bachrc

    to launch run following

    ros2 launch hyperdog_launch hyperdog.launch.py

    to launch gazebo with hyperdog

    ros2 launch hypedog_gazebo_sim hyperdog_gazebo_sim.launch.py

Known bugs: