UPHL-BioNGS / Grandeur

UPHL's Reference Free Pipeline
GNU General Public License v3.0
23 stars 7 forks source link
bioinformatics docker genomics illumina nextflow ngs prokaryotes serotyping singularity


Named after the beautiful Grandeur Peak

Image Credit: ryancornia

Location: 40.707, -111.76, 8,299 ft (2,421 m) summit

More information about the trail leading up to this landmark can be found at https://utah.com/hiking/grandeur-peak

Grandeur is a Nextflow workflow developed by @erinyoung at the Utah Public Health Laborotory. "Grandeur" is intended to be a species agnostic sequencing analysis workflow to paired-end Illumina sequencing quality control and assurance (QC) and serotyping in a local public health laboratory.

"Grandeur" is meant to augment CDC's PHOENIX nextflow workflow, which is the official recommended usage. In principle, the contigs generated by PHOENIX undergo additional quality metric and serotyping steps, with a heavy emphasis on fastANI and AMRFinderPlus.

"Grandeur" can also be a standalone workflow that takes paired-end Illumina reads, removes adaptors with fastp and PHIX with bbduk, and creates contigs through de novo alignment of the reads with spades.

"Grandeur" is also a workflow of the staphb-toolkit



Default workflow that takes fastq files, runs them through QC/serotyping/etc, creates contig files

# using singularity
nextflow run UPHL-BioNGS/Grandeur -profile singularity --reads <path to reads>
# using docker
nextflow run UPHL-BioNGS/Grandeur -profile docker --fastas <path to fastas>

Commonly adjusted parameters

Not-as-commonly adjusted parameters

Wiki sections

The README got too long, so it's been moved to a wiki. There are several covered topics including:


Please submit any issues and problems to issues (or find us on SLACK).


Grandeur wouldn't be possible without the following tools:

The expected tools are split into multiple processes. Each process has its own wiki page that we encourage users to view.