DeepSomatic is an extension of deep learning-based variant caller DeepVariant that takes aligned reads (in BAM or CRAM format) from tumor and normal data, produces pileup image tensors from them, classifies each tensor using a convolutional neural network, and finally reports somatic variants in a standard VCF or gVCF file.
DeepSomatic supports somatic variant-calling from tumor-normal and tumor-only sequencing data.
The following case studies show example runs for supported technologies:
Illumina WGS tumor-normal case study.
Illumina WES tumor-normal case study.
PacBio tumor-normal case study.
ONT tumor-normal case study.
FFPE WGS tumor-normal case study.
FFPE WES tumor-normal case study.
Illumina WGS tumor-only case study.
PacBio tumor-only case study.
ONT tumor-only case study.
For details around runtime and accuracy expectations, please see the DeepSomatic metrics page.
If you use DeepSomatic in your work, please cite:
DeepSomatic: Accurate somatic small variant discovery for multiple sequencing technologies
sudo docker run \
google/deepsomatic:"${BIN_VERSION}" \
run_deepsomatic \
--ref=${INPUT_DIR}/REF.fasta \ **Path to reference fasta file.
--reads_normal=${INPUT_DIR}/normal.bam \ **Path to normal bam file.
--reads_tumor=${INPUT_DIR}/tumor.bam \ * Path to tumor bam file.
--output_vcf=${OUTPUT_DIR}/OUTPUT.vcf.gz \ **Path to output VCF file.
--output_gvcf=${OUTPUT_DIR}/OUTPUT.g.vcf.gz \ **Path to output gVCF file.
--sample_name_tumor="tumor" \
--sample_name_normal="normal" \
--num_shards=$(nproc) \ **Total number of threads to use.
--logging_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR}/logs \ **Log output directory.
--intermediate_results_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR}/intermediate_results_dir \
--regions=chr1 \ **Region of the genome, if not provided then runs on whole genome
--use_default_pon_filtering=false \ **Set to true for default PON filtering for tumor-only variant calling**
--dry_run=false **Default is false. If set to true, commands will be printed out but not executed.
Please follow the Quick Start for more details on different setups like Docker and Singuarity. available for DeepSomatic
DeepSomatic utilizes FILTER in VCF format to report identified germline and somatic variants. The description of the filters can be found in the header:
##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##FILTER=<ID=RefCall,Description="Genotyping model thinks this site is reference.">
##FILTER=<ID=LowQual,Description="Confidence in this variant being real is below calling threshold.">
##FILTER=<ID=NoCall,Description="Site has depth=0 resulting in no call.">
##FILTER=<ID=GERMLINE,Description="Non somatic variants">
For example, the variants reported below:
chr1 14001 . A G 3.7 GERMLINE . GT:GQ:DP:AD:VAF:PL 0/0:4:8:4,4:0.5:1,0,34
chr1 14002 . T A 0 RefCall . GT:GQ:DP:AD:VAF:PL 0/0:51:60:57,2:0.0333333:0,51,58
chr1 14003 . C G 43.8 PASS . GT:GQ:DP:AD:VAF:PL 1/1:43:74:0,74:1:43,52,0
In this example:
FILTER status is identified as a germline variantRefCall
FILTER status is homozygous to the referencePASS
FILTER status is a somatic variant.Please open a pull request if you wish to contribute to DeepSomatic. Note, we have not set up the infrastructure to merge pull requests externally. If you agree, we will test and submit the changes internally and mention your contributions in our release notes. We apologize for any inconvenience.
If you have any difficulty using DeepSomatic, feel free to open an issue. If you have general questions not specific to DeepSomatic, we recommend that you post on a community discussion forum such as BioStars.
This is not an official Google product.
NOTE: the content of this research code repository (i) is not intended to be a medical device; and (ii) is not intended for clinical use of any kind, including but not limited to diagnosis or prognosis.