juanmf / StepperMotors

Python stepper motor library with customizable acceleration strategies and responsive, interruptible motor operations.
MIT License
19 stars 0 forks source link
drv8825 event-driven motor-benchmark motor-controller multiprocess multiprocessing nema17 nema23 parallel-computing python3 raspberry-pi stepper-motor stepper-motor-control stepper-motor-driver tmc2208 tmc2209 tmc2226


Although Python and PC in general (RPI in particular) are not optimal for accurate timing of stepper motor pulses (OS scheduler + Python sleep inaccuracies and, ATM, Global Interpreter Lock [GIL]), this library aims at providing a versatile tool for managing a set of stepper motors (through their drivers) in several ways that might fit specific scenarios.

A few distinct concepts have been implemented:

Implemented Drivers

The following table shows what driers have specific implementations, and vaguely their signaling specs, headers marker with * are concepts the MotorDriver base class knows about, Explicitly implemented Driver names are marked with *Bolded. Driers that should work with implemented classes in Italic

Driver Step* (Pulse 20-50μs) Direction* Enable* Sleep* Microstepping* (Number of Pins) Fault Implemented
DRV8825 1-2μs (min) HIGH/LOW ACTIVE LOW ACTIVE LOW 3 (2^3 = 8 modes) YES Yes
TMC2209 1-2μs (min) HIGH/LOW ACTIVE LOW NA 4 (2^4 = 16 modes) YES Yes
A4988 1-2μs (min) HIGH/LOW ACTIVE LOW ACTIVE LOW 3 (2^3 = 8 modes) NO Eq(DRV8825)
TB6600 1-2μs (min) HIGH/LOW ACTIVE LOW ACTIVE LOW 3 (2^3 = 8 modes) YES
TB6560 1-2μs (min) HIGH/LOW ACTIVE LOW ACTIVE LOW 3 (2^3 = 8 modes) YES
TMC2208 1-2μs (min) HIGH/LOW ACTIVE LOW NA 4 (2^4 = 16 modes) YES Eq(TMC2208)
TMC2226 1-2μs (min) HIGH/LOW ACTIVE LOW NA 4 (2^4 = 16 modes) YES Eq(TMC2208)
Adafruit Motor HAT Adapter - - - - 4 (2^4 = 16 modes) - Yes
LV8729 1-2μs (min) HIGH/LOW ACTIVE LOW ACTIVE LOW 3 (2^3 = 8 modes) NO Eq(DRV8825)
L298N Not supported 1-2μs (min) HIGH/LOW ACTIVE LOW ACTIVE LOW 3 (2^3 = 8 modes) NO
ULN2003 (Unipolar) Full cycle on/off Sequence - - - Full & Half step NO Yes

Also implements an adapter to Adafruit stepper motor driver.


All motors driven by dedicated DRV8825.

Demo with 2 steppers at 400PPS (0.2 Deg/step)

2 Steppers * 3 pins each (dir, step, sleep)

2 steppers

Demo with 4 steppers at 400PPS 2 (0.2 Deg/step) + 4 Nema17 1.8 Deg/step

2 Steppers 3 GPIO pins (dir, step, sleep) 2 Steppers 2 GPIO pins (dir, step)

4 steppers

Demo TMC2209(Nema17-17hs4401) + DRV8825(PG35S)

TMC2209 + DRV8825


Happy path

If everything works fine (on my RPI this method gets stuck.)

pip install -i https://pypi.org/simple/ stepper-motors-juanmf1


Manually (find latest link at https://pypi.org/project/stepper-motors-juanmf1/#files copy link for stepper_motors_juanmf1--py3-none-any.whl). Example with stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl:

juanmf@raspberrypi:~/project/project $ wget https://test-files.pythonhosted.org/packages/8b/7d/289fdee8b0a01e3c0927b9407e14803341daa0d50e65cb592de9a41581b7/stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl
--2024-01-08 14:23:42--  https://test-files.pythonhosted.org/packages/8b/7d/289fdee8b0a01e3c0927b9407e14803341daa0d50e65cb592de9a41581b7/stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl
Saving to: ‘stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl’

stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl      100%[================================================================================================================>]  21.98K  --.-KB/s    in 0.007s  

2024-01-08 14:23:43 (3.01 MB/s) - ‘stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl’ saved [22507/22507]

juanmf@raspberrypi:~/project/project $ pip install ../
stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl  project/                                        
juanmf@raspberrypi:~/project/project $ pip install ../stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl 
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://www.piwheels.org/simple
Processing /home/juanmf/project/stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: stepper-motors-juanmf1
Successfully installed stepper-motors-juanmf1-0.0.2

To upgrade to a newer release manually, find latest whl file as explained above, then: now installing stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.4-py3-none-any.whl, overriding 0.0.3

juanmf@raspberrypi:~/project $ pip install --upgrade stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.4-py3-none-any.whl
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://www.piwheels.org/simple
Processing ./stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.4-py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: stepper-motors-juanmf1
  Attempting uninstall: stepper-motors-juanmf1
    Found existing installation: stepper-motors-juanmf1 0.0.3
    Uninstalling stepper-motors-juanmf1-0.0.3:
      Successfully uninstalled stepper-motors-juanmf1-0.0.3
Successfully installed stepper-motors-juanmf1-0.0.4


Acceleration Strategies

Factory methods from ControllerFactory (🔗) provide easy access to well constructed Drivers with specific acceleration profiles.

from stepper_motors_juanmf1 import (GenericStepper, 
from time import sleep

class MyRoboticArm:
  Example class using multiple driver instances (many motors).

  def __init__(self):
    Assuming you connected this motor driver's direction and step pins accordingly. 
    Step modes can also be set for micro-stepping. Tho ControllerFactory methods use only full step mode ATM.
    Sleep pin can also be set for DRV8825MotorDriver when no holding torque neeed.  
    self.elbow =    MyRoboticArm.setupDriver(directionGpioPin=23, stepGpioPin=24) 
    self.elbowPosition = 0
    self.shoulder = MyRoboticArm.setupDriver(directionGpioPin=14, stepGpioPin=15) 
    self.shoulderPosition = 0
    self.hand =     MyRoboticArm.setupDriver(directionGpioPin=25, stepGpioPin=8) 
    self.handPosition = 0

    # Moving arm
    self.moveArm(elbowDelta=100, shoulderDelta=150, handDelta=200)
    # While still moving, Send contradictory order to arm. it should gracefully stop and 
    # speed back up in opposite direction.  
    self.moveArm(elbowDelta=-100, shoulderDelta=-150, handDelta=-200)

  def elbowPositionListener(self, currentPosition, targetPosition, direction):
    self.elbowPosition = currentPosition

  def shoulderPositionListener(self, currentPosition, targetPosition, direction):
    self.shoulderPosition = currentPosition

  def handPositionListener(self, currentPosition, targetPosition, direction):
    self.handPosition = currentPosition

  def moveArm(self, elbowDelta, shoulderDelta, handDelta):
    # moving the motors
    if elbowDelta != 0:
      # Non blocking, sends step job to driver worker,
      if myMath.sign(elbowDelta) == 1:
        self.elbow.stepClockWise(elbowDelta, self.elbowPositionListener)
        self.elbow.stepCounterClockWise(elbowDelta, self.elbowPositionListener)

    if shoulderDelta != 0:
      # Non blocking, sends step job to driver worker,
      if myMath.sign(shoulderDelta) == 1:
        self.shoulder.stepClockWise(elbowDelta, self.shoulderPositionListener)
        self.shoulder.stepCounterClockWise(elbowDelta, self.shoulderPositionListener)

    if handDelta != 0:
      # Non blocking, sends step job to driver worker,
      if myMath.sign(handDelta) == 1:
        self.hand.stepClockWise(handDelta, self.handPositionListener)
        self.hand.stepCounterClockWise(handDelta, self.handPositionListener)

  def setupDriver(*, directionGpioPin, stepGpioPin):
    stepperMotor = GenericStepper(maxPps=2000, minPps=150)
    delayPlanner = DynamicDelayPlanner()
    navigation = DynamicNavigation()

    acceleration = ExponentialAcceleration(stepperMotor, delayPlanner)
    return DRV8825MotorDriver(stepperMotor, acceleration, directionGpioPin, stepGpioPin, navigation)

Alternative moveArm implementation version >0.0.8:

def moveArm(self, elbowDelta, shoulderDelta, handDelta):
    # moving the motors; encapsulating signed and zero delta logic in `signedSteps` 
    self.elbow.signedSteps(elbowDelta, fn=self.elbowPositionListener)
    self.shoulder.signedSteps(shoulderDelta, fn=self.shoulderPositionListener)
    self.hand.signedSteps(handDelta, fn=self.handPositionListener)


In this example we use ExponentialAcceleration, which exponentially decreases increments as PPS goes up in a RampingUp state behaves as follows (see this to play around):

In linked simulation, current speed is a, marked by x=a fn for visual aid. Intersection between Identity fn x=x and x=a shows how large is the jump in PPS to next speed, either when RampingUp(Fn1, in red) or RampingDown(Fn2, in black).

In the following desktop test, black dot shows (currentSpeed, nextSpeed) or F(currentPPS) -> nextPPS.

I try to feed F1 with nextPPS iteratively to simulate acceleration process that takes place at run time. In this case with minSpeed=200 PPS and maxSpeed=900 PPS it'd take 6 steps to reach max speed using ExponentialAcceleration with initial acceleration factor of (b=2).

Fn1(PPS) -> PPS = a * b ** (1.01 - (x / c)); c=maxPPS; a=currentPPS; b=initialSpeedUpFactor

Starting at minPPS of 200, ramping Up, uses Fn1(200 PPS) -> 345 PPS So next speed will be 345 PPS...

(approximating 345 with 350) 350 PPS -> 538 PPS

(approximating 538 with 500, yes, 550 was closer...) 500 PPS -> 685 PPS

(approximating 685 with 700) 700 PPS -> 822 PPS

850 PPS -> 889 PPS

900 PPS -> 906 PPS ExponentialAcceleration limits speeds to maxPPS so this would get stuck at 900 PPS

Effectively following this set of curves, for speed up and slow down: exponentialAccelerationSpeedChangeCurves Note that identity x=x, speedUp and slowDown curves intersect at zero and maxPPS, effecting no change in speed once current speed hits these extreme values.

Logs (tPrint())

When you have many BlockingQueueWorkers executing your callables, printing to STD_OUT can get messy. there are utility functions in ThreadOrderedPrint.py to help organize print output.

from stepper_motors_juanmf1.ThreadOrderedPrint import tprint, flush_streams

    def callableThatPrints(self, elbowDelta, handDelta):
        tprint("rowOrAzimuthDelta, colOrElevationDelta")
        tprint(elbowDelta, handDelta)

This will store the print() output in a thread based stream file. When you are ready to dump output: flush_streams() Will dump threads output and delete buffers. Output will be timestamped to the micro second uS (no date). for comparison with other thread's output.

@start thread dump 2930762816_ThreadPoolExecutor-7_0 ========================================
[17:31:49.992524] dispatchMainLoop
[17:31:49.992575] eventName, eventInfo
[17:31:49.992612] AimingComplete {'isReady': True}
@end thread dump =====================================================

@start thread dump 2922370112_ThreadPoolExecutor-8_0 ========================================
[17:31:49.856784] Setting direction pin 23 1.
[17:31:49.856912] State Rest -> RampingUp
[17:31:49.862105] fireReadyEvent
@end thread dump =====================================================


for CLI Benchmark, you need download sources and cd to src/stepper_motors_juanmf1/ start gpio demon on your Raspberry Pi and start benchmark passing step and direction pins per your setup.

$ cd src/stepper_motors_juanmf1
$ python3 Benchmark.py 23 24

Annotated (# <==) output:

Todo: update benchmark 0utput

Using Benchmark from outside the module

from stepper_motors_juanmf1.StepperMotor import GenericStepper
from stepper_motors_juanmf1.Benchmark import Benchmark

class Training:

    def main():
        args = sys.argv[1:]
        if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "bench":
            print("Benchmarking Motor")
            motor = GenericStepper(maxPps=2000, minPps=190)

            Benchmark.initBenchmark(motor, directionGpioPin=23, stepGpioPin=8)

if __name__ == '__main__':


$ python3 ./Training.py bench


If you have to coordinate 2 or more motor drivers concurrently, dedicated threads will fail yo miserably due to how CPython's GIL prevents any real simultaneity between threads. Effectively splitting your pulses' frequency as you add motors.

Here is where stepper_motors_juanmf1.Navigation.BasicSynchronizedNavigation can help. The drivers are still operating as BlockingQueueWorker with its own Thread but they share a Singleton Navigation object that aggregates drivers in need of pulsing sending single GPIO outputs commands at a time, with all necessary stepGpioPins (one per driver).

This alone can be good enough if your client application isn't overloading the process. BasicSynchronizedNavigation implements active wait, looping through controllers (and blocking stepper_motors_juanmf1.Controller.MotorDriver) until they are satisfied (steps executed) or interrupted (new stepping job came in). This blocking helps prevent BasicSynchronizedNavigation thread (also a BlockingQueueWorker instance) from being swapped.

Helpful Factory methods: Pins correspond to HRB8825 Stepper Motor HAT Board for Raspberry Pi Series Boards

from stepper_motors_juanmf1.ControllerFactory import SynchronizedControllerFactory
from stepper_motors_juanmf1.StepperMotor import GenericStepper

# Defaults to Full step mode
factory = SynchronizedControllerFactory()
x_stepperMotor = GenericStepper(maxPps=800, minPps=150)
x_driver = factory.getExponentialDRV8825With(x_stepperMotor, directionGpioPin=13, stepGpioPin=19, sleepGpioPin=12)

y_stepperMotor = GenericStepper(maxPps=800, minPps=150)
y_driver = factory.getExponentialDRV8825With(y_stepperMotor, directionGpioPin=24, stepGpioPin=18, sleepGpioPin=4)

# Non-blocking, Equivalent to stepCounterClockWise(self, 100):

# Non-blocking, Equivalent to stepClockWise(self, 200):

Checkout SynchronizedControllerFactory for more details.


Building on top of BasicSynchronizedNavigation, leveraging multiprocess library you can use stepper_motors_juanmf1.ControllerFactory.MultiProcessingControllerFactory to spawn a dedicated child process that will instantiate your motor drivers with BasicSynchronizedNavigation navigation strategy. In Parent process you still get MotorDrivers instances but configured to acs as proxies, when you send work to them they will pass the requests down to their counterparts in child proces, through multiprocess.queues.Queue. Ignoring work items in parent process.

Helpful Factory methods:

Pins correspond to HRB8825 Stepper Motor HAT Board for Raspberry Pi Series Boards

from stepper_motors_juanmf1.ControllerFactory import MultiProcessingControllerFactory
from stepper_motors_juanmf1.StepperMotor import GenericStepper

# Defaults to Full step mode
controllerFactory = MultiProcessingControllerFactory()
x_stepperMotor = GenericStepper(maxPps=800, minPps=150)
y_stepperMotor = GenericStepper(maxPps=800, minPps=150)

x_driver, y_driver = (controllerFactory.setUpProcess()
    .withDriver([], controllerFactory.getMpCustomTorqueCharacteristicsDRV8825With,
                x_stepperMotor, directionGpioPin=13, stepGpioPin=19, sleepGpioPin=12)
    .withDriver([], controllerFactory.getMpCustomTorqueCharacteristicsDRV8825With,
                y_stepperMotor, directionGpioPin=24, stepGpioPin=18, sleepGpioPin=4)

# Non-blocking, Equivalent to stepCounterClockWise(self, 100):

# Non-blocking, Equivalent to stepClockWise(self, 200):

Checkout MultiProcessingControllerFactory for more details.

Pulses in oscilloscope with 2 motors look amazing! Perfect overlap of pulses and pulse timing. Much better than when sharing resources with main (my) application.

Check the logs for the following output to ensure your process starts successfully:

ControllerFactory.MultiProcessingControllerFactory.Unpacker.unpack() should be the entry point in child process, (log will be compact, this is a "prettified" version):

Unpacking in child process!!
        <bound method MultiProcessingControllerFactory.getMpCustomTorqueCharacteristicsDRV8825With of <stepper_motors_juanmf1.ControllerFactory.MultiProcessingControllerFactory object at 0x7f8be45950>>,
            (<stepper_motors_juanmf1.StepperMotor.PG35S_D48_HHC2 object at 0x7f8afc4690>,),
            {'directionGpioPin': 13, 'stepGpioPin': 19, 'sleepGpioPin': 12}
        <bound method MultiProcessingControllerFactory.getMpCustomTorqueCharacteristicsDRV8825With of <stepper_motors_juanmf1.ControllerFactory.MultiProcessingControllerFactory object at 0x7f8be45950>>,
            (<stepper_motors_juanmf1.StepperMotor.PG35S_D48_HHC2 object at 0x7f8aee0750>,),
            {'directionGpioPin': 24, 'stepGpioPin': 18, 'sleepGpioPin': 4}
    <stepper_motors_juanmf1.BlockingQueueWorker.MpQueue object at 0x7f8afc5f50>,
    <stepper_motors_juanmf1.BlockingQueueWorker.MpQueue object at 0x7f8afc6250>
        Value(<class 'stepper_motors_juanmf1.Controller.DriverSharedPositionStruct'>, <stepper_motors_juanmf1.Controller.DriverSharedPositionStruct object at 0x7f8af51130>)
        Value(<class 'stepper_motors_juanmf1.Controller.DriverSharedPositionStruct'>, <stepper_motors_juanmf1.Controller.DriverSharedPositionStruct object at 0x7f8af511c0>)


This library offers several ways of sharing and synchronizing data in a multiprocess scenario. Some of which are generic enough to be used as standalone data sharing mechanism. Following a few examples:

Drivers' standard events:

These event names can be overriden at driver instantiation time, see steppingCompleteEventName constructor parameter.

At the stepping job level, you can add customized eventName prefixes or change eventInAdvanceSteps for firing steppingCompleteAdvance in advance by the step number you prefer on each stepping job. The following methods can be used to send stepping jobs to drivers and customize mentioned parameters.

# steps < 0 is CounterClockWise; steps > 0 is ClockWise; 
signedSteps(self, steps, fn=None, jobCompleteEventNamePrefix=None, eventInAdvanceSteps=10):

stepClockWise(self, steps, fn=None, jobCompleteEventNamePrefix=None, eventInAdvanceSteps=10):

stepCounterClockWise(self, steps, fn=None, jobCompleteEventNamePrefix=None, eventInAdvanceSteps=10):

Events get transparently proxied in multiprocessing (at the cost of ~0.0003 seconds extra delay on RPi 4B, roughly 1 step at 300 PPS).

Example usage with events:

import ctypes
from functools import partial
from multiprocess import Value, Event

class PolarCoordinatesSample:

  def __init__(self, controllerFactory: MultiProcessingControllerFactory):

    self.fireReadyEventsAwaited = [
    self.elevationDriver = None
    self.azimuthDriver = None
    EventDispatcher.instance().register(self.fireReadyEventsAwaited, self.fireReadyEventHandler)

    def initDrivers(self, controllerFactory):
        if isinstance(controllerFactory, MultiProcessingControllerFactory):
            # Not used in this example.

    def _initMpDrivers(self, controllerFactory: MultiProcessingControllerFactory):
        azimuthDriverShared = Value(ctypes.c_int, 0)
        elevationDriverShared = Value(ctypes.c_int, 0)

        azimuthObserver = MultiprocessObserver(eventObserver=partial(self.childProcessEventObserver, "azimuth"),
        elevationObserver = MultiprocessObserver(eventObserver=partial(self.childProcessEventObserver, "elevation"),

        self.azimuthDriver, self.elevationDriver = (controllerFactory
                            stepperMotor=PG35S_D48_HHC2(True), directionGpioPin=13, stepGpioPin=19, sleepGpioPin=12)
                            stepperMotor=PG35S_D48_HHC2(True), directionGpioPin=24, stepGpioPin=18, sleepGpioPin=4)

    def childProcessEventObserver(self, name, sharedInt):
        Runs in parent process in dedicated Worker thread. Blocks until Events fire.
        tprint(f"Parent process notified every {name}'s 100th step. Step: {sharedInt.value}")

    def sharedDataProcessing(sharedMemory, currentPosition):

        # Client process knows what's in sharedMemory, not Drivers.

        # Prints every 100 steps.
        tprint(f"Running callback from Navigation stepping in child process \n "
               f"{currentPosition, sharedMemory}")

    def steppingCallback(currentPosition, targetPosition, direction, multiprocessObserver: MultiprocessObserver=None):
        Static method, uses shared state, see :func:`~self._initMpDrivers()`. invoked in child process.
        Uses `Event.set()` to notify Parent process' observer see :func:`~ChildProcessEventObserver`.
        Contract, Called each step.
             pulsingController.controller.multiprocessObserver)  # Only provided in multiprocessing scenario. Method 
                                                                 # runs in child process.
        if multiprocessObserver:
            # Important, as in local process scenario sharedMemory is None. see :func:`~self._initLocalDrivers()`

            multiprocessObserver._sharedMemory.value += 1
            if multiprocessObserver._sharedMemory.value % 100 == 0:
                MultiprocessObserver.eventPublisher(multiprocessObserver, currentPosition)

  def _initLocalDrivers(self, controllerFactory: ControllerFactory):
    Not used in multiprocess scenario.
    self.azimuthDriver: DRV8825MotorDriver = controllerFactory.getCustomTorqueCharacteristicsDRV8825With(
      PG35S_D48_HHC2(True), directionGpioPin=13, stepGpioPin=19, sleepGpioPin=12)
    self.elevationDriver = controllerFactory.getCustomTorqueCharacteristicsDRV8825With(
      PG35S_D48_HHC2(True), directionGpioPin=24, stepGpioPin=18, sleepGpioPin=4)

  Setup done, usage follows

  def operateDrivers(self, azimuthDelta, elevationDelta):
    eventNamePrefix = "AimingComplete"
    # Events will result in 4 combinations: "[azimuth|elevation]AimingCompletesteppingComplete[Advance|FinalStep]"
    if azimuthDelta != 0:
      azimuthJob = self.azimuthDriver.signedSteps(azimuthDelta, fn=self.steppingCallback,
                                                  jobCompleteEventNamePrefix="azimuth" + eventNamePrefix)
    if elevationDelta != 0:
      elevationJob = self.elevationDriver.signedSteps(elevationDelta, fn=self.steppingCallback,
                                                      jobCompleteEventNamePrefix="elevation" + eventNamePrefix)

High level flow doc/multiprocess.png

3 ways data is shared between Processes:


Child process (motor drivers) updates MainProcess (client app) in the following ways:

** For implementation details inspect src.stepper_motors_juanmf1.ControllerFactory.MultiProcessingControllerFactory.Unpacker & src.stepper_motors_juanmf1.ControllerFactory.MultiProcessingControllerFactory.spawn()


Sample app PolarCoordinatesSample logs output (edited ..., # comments) is shown to get a sense of sequence of events.

This demo sets up a notification every 100th step.
@start thread dump MainProcess => MultiprocessObserver_0_2_0 ========================================
[19:34:18.635397] Parent process notified every azimuth's 100th step. Step: 100

[19:34:18.925858] Parent process notified every azimuth's 100th step. Step: 200

[19:34:19.213996] Parent process notified every azimuth's 100th step. Step: 300

@end thread dump MultiprocessObserver_0_2_0 =========================================

@start thread dump MainProcess => MultiprocessObserver_1_3_0 ========================================
[19:34:19.153513] Parent process notified every elevation's 100th step. Step: 100

[19:34:19.441269] Parent process notified every elevation's 100th step. Step: 200

@start thread dump Process-2 => SynchronizedNavigation_8_0 ========================================
[19:34:23.468511] Running callback from Navigation stepping in child process 
 (1600, <Synchronized wrapper for c_int(1600)>)

@end thread dump SynchronizedNavigation_8_0 =========================================

@start thread dump Process-2 => DRV8825MotorDriver_0__7_0 ========================================
[19:34:18.347474] Waking! Calling setSleepMode with sleepOn=False

[19:34:18.347537] Setting Sleep pin 12 to 1

[19:34:23.349346] Setting Sleep pin 12 to 0

[19:34:23.349519] waiting for MultiProcess jobs <stepper_motors_juanmf1.BlockingQueueWorker.MpQueue object at 0x7f72b0c750>

@end thread dump DRV8825MotorDriver_0__7_0 =========================================
@start thread dump Process-2 => DRV8825MotorDriver_1__9_0 ========================================
[19:34:18.865536] Waking! Calling setSleepMode with sleepOn=False

[19:34:18.865577] Setting Sleep pin 4 to 1

@end thread dump DRV8825MotorDriver_1__9_0 =========================================

@start thread dump Process-2 => SynchronizedNavigation_8_0 ========================================
[19:34:18.348365] Setting direction pin 13 1.

[19:34:18.348405] State Rest -> RampingUp

[19:34:18.356172] State RampingUp -> Steady

[19:34:18.635059] Running callback from Navigation stepping in child process 
 (100, <Synchronized wrapper for c_int(100)>)

[19:34:18.865873] Setting direction pin 24 1.

[19:34:18.865890] State Rest -> RampingUp

[19:34:18.873814] State RampingUp -> Steady

[19:34:18.925689] Running callback from Navigation stepping in child process 
 (200, <Synchronized wrapper for c_int(200)>)

No subscriptors in child process for event "azimuthAimingCompletesteppingCompleteAdvance"  
@start thread dump Process-2 => EventDispatcher__5_0 ========================================
[19:34:23.205045] dispatchMainLoop eventName: azimuthAimingCompletesteppingCompleteAdvance, eventInfo: {'position': 1688}

[19:34:23.205074] Missed event azimuthAimingCompletesteppingCompleteAdvance

[19:34:23.250897] dispatchMainLoop eventName: azimuthAimingCompletesteppingCompleteFinalStep, eventInfo: {'position': 1698}

[19:34:23.250934] Missed event azimuthAimingCompletesteppingCompleteFinalStep

@end thread dump EventDispatcher__5_0 =========================================

Child Process events got propagated to MainProcess EventDispatcher, here events do have subscriptors in user App. 

@start thread dump MainProcess => EventDispatcher__0_0 ========================================
[19:34:23.212747] dispatchMainLoop eventName: azimuthAimingCompletesteppingCompleteAdvance, eventInfo: {'position': 1688}

[19:34:23.352251] dispatchMainLoop eventName: azimuthAimingCompletesteppingCompleteFinalStep, eventInfo: {'position': 1698}

[19:34:23.725443] dispatchMainLoop eventName: elevationAimingCompletesteppingCompleteAdvance, eventInfo: {'position': 1688}

User app level waited for both drivers to be comlete before firing application level event "AimingComplete"

[19:34:23.725647] dispatchMainLoop eventName: AimingComplete, eventInfo: {'isReady': True}

[19:34:23.725662] Missed event AimingComplete
@end thread dump EventDispatcher__0_0 =========================================


This library is designed to be extended, with minimal or no changes to existing implementations. Main components and relations outlined in the following class diagram.



Reminder of release steps for contributor. Don't forget to bump version in pyproject.toml otherwise you can't upload package to package index (repeated file name).

# work station:
$ git commit -am"last change description" && git push

# might need PR to send changes to main repo?

# raspberry pi cd to repository dir.
$ git pull
$ rm ./dist/*
$ python3 -m build
* Creating venv isolated environment...
* Installing packages in isolated environment... (RPi.GPIO, hatchling, numpy, sshkeyboard)
* Getting build dependencies for sdist...
* Building sdist...
* Building wheel from sdist
* Creating venv isolated environment...
* Installing packages in isolated environment... (RPi.GPIO, hatchling, numpy, sshkeyboard)
* Getting build dependencies for wheel...
* Building wheel...
Successfully built stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.7.tar.gz and stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.7-py3-none-any.whl

# Next step I do from workstation if it fails from RPI. 
# So optionally at workstation:
$ scp <user>@raspberrypi.local:/<projectDir>/dist/* /<projectDir>/dist/

# Then upload to index
$ python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
Enter your username: __token__
Enter your password: pypi-<your API token> 
Uploading stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.15-py3-none-any.whl
100% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 74.3/74.3 kB • 00:00 • 26.8 MB/s
Uploading stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.0.15.tar.gz
100% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 345.2/345.2 kB • 00:00 • 78.0 MB/s

# then reinstall on RPI:
$ pip install --upgrade -i https://pypi.org/simple/ stepper-motors-juanmf1

# Alternatively can install on RPI directly from whl package, to test before uploading to Index.
$ pip install --upgrade ./dist/stepper_motors_juanmf1-<latest>-py3-none-any.whl

In order to test new changes right after pushing to main; handy ~/.bashrc additions: Line source ../env/bin/activate && \ bellow assumes you use the venv described above

# Update per your setup: <consumerProject> project where you are importing Stepper motor lib

function updateMotorLib() {
    cd ~/projects/StepperMotors/
    rm -rf "./dist/"
    git fetch
    rev=$(git log --oneline -1 origin/main | awk '{print $1}')
    echo resetting to rev: $rev
    git reset --hard $rev && \
        python3 -m build && \
        cd ~/projects/<consumerProject>/src && \
        source ../env/bin/activate && \
        pip3 install ~/projects/StepperMotors/dist/stepper_motors_juanmf1-0.*-py3-none-any.whl --force

alias myProject="cd ~/projects/<consumerProject>/src && source ../env/bin/activate && python3 Main.py"