tcoppex / sparkle

:sparkler: A modern particle engine running on GPU, using c++14 and OpenGL 4.4.
MIT License
193 stars 12 forks source link
cmake compute-shader cpp14 glsl gpu opengl particle-engine simulation


License: MIT Build Status


Spärkle is a particle engine running entirely on the GPU, inspired by the work of SquareEnix Advance Technology Division on Agni's Philosophy.

It is written in C++ 14 and OpenGL 4.4.


For more images, check the gallery.


We will be using the command-line on Unix and Git Bash on Windows.


The following dependencies are pulled in as submodules.

To retrieve them, type the following command line in the project directory :

git submodule init
git submodule update


We will first create a build directory then generate the CMake cache depending on your system.

mkdir BUILDs && cd BUILDs

On Unix, using Makefile (replace $NUM_CPU by the number of core you want to use) :

cmake .. -G Makefile -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j$NUM_CPU

On Windows, using MSVC 15 for x64:

cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release


  1. Using CMake, the build configuration type (ie. Debug, Release) is set at Build Time with MSVC and at Cache Generation Time with Makefile.

  2. OpenGL extensions are generated automatically by a custom Python script. Alternatively GLEW can be used by specifying the option -DUSE_GLEW=ON to CMake. If something does not compile due to OpenGL functions, try to use GLEW.


The binary can be found in the project ./bin/ directory:


Dev Note:



Spärkle is released under the MIT license.