After executing this command:python RL_MPC_Locomotion.py --robot=Aliengo".Opened Isaac Gym to control the robot with a joystick, only the LB and RB buttons are responsive. How can I achieve forward, b…
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
WARNING: Package name "aliengoZ1_description" does not follow the naming conventions. It should start with a lower case letter and only contain lowe…
好兄弟,看到你的简介里面部署快崩溃了 hhhh 。我现在部署真机遇到些问题,求交流。
我现在想要知道的问题:在真机上怎样获得它那些 imu 和 joint state的数据啊,然后不知道你是否有使用python控制它运动的代码。
The legged_gym codebase failed to train unitree aliengo robot. The robot even can not stand up given fixed correct command. However, if I replace the 4 {RR,RL,FR,FL} 'continuous' thigh joints to 'revo…
## Habitat-Sim version
Habitat is under active development, and we advise users to restrict themselves to stable releases. Are you using the latest [release version](https://github.com/face…
I have downloaded the **sdk v3.8.4** for the **Aliengo** and I would like to know two things:
1. In the first place I want to read low level telemetry (like temperature) while working in Sp…
I've tried loading the aliengo URDF ([aliengo_description](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_ros/tree/master/robots/aliengo_description/xacro)) on the AnymalTerrain example (anymal_terrain.py…
I am having problems running "real_launch";
**Is it correct to run "real_launch" under my personal pc?**
I write in the terminal, in my pc, under root account: "`roslaunch unitree_legged_real re…
Dear Simar et al.,
First of all, I would like to thank you for your research. I believe it is very well done and deserves to be studied carefully to learn from your perspectives, methods, and insig…
Im trying to use window since previous computer was too slow
now i have problem run'runner.py'
I typed with following order
conda create --name KMH5 python=3.8
conda install cmake
(change dir…