Is there any possibility to identify plasmids in the main contig so even if it's labelled as chromosome? I need to evaluate the correctness of different assemblies and would therefore like to determin…
I am interested in running RFPlasmid on an Enterobacteriaceae dataset and I see there is a precomputed database for it.
However, I am wondering whether it would not be wise to create an u…
How do I make/use a custom DB?
There are some input files that are not specified
% mob_cluster --mode build -f new_plasmids.fasta -p new_plasmids_mobtyper_report.txt -t new_plasmids_host_taxonom…
Goldenbraid plasmid data and maps are also available on this google drive
All plasmids are here: https://www.addgene.org/ASAP_Discovery/
awk -F"\t" '{print $7}' genomes_plasmids.txt -- for genbank $7, for refseq $6
esearch -db nucleotide -query CP007178 | efetch -format fasta > te…
Related to #58, we need to distinguish between a pre-construction plasmid and a post-construction plasmid (e.g., with an insert replacing a dropout section)
When creating multiple PCR fragments from plasmids, I end up filling the window. Horizontal scroll is enabled, but only if I manually drag the scroll bar. The app should allow horizontal scroll while …
Thank you for making and maintaining dnaapler!
Streptomyces and other genera have linear chromosomes and often also linear plasmids.
Multiple genes on these replicons are located in a conserved…
Hello Geroge, such a great tool you have in hybracter!!
I have been using it to assemble some ONT only genomes, without using medaka, and I have seen that even though dnaapler is run on the chromos…