The type of exploration needs to be done with the rapidly random tree algorithm. The use of the rrt_exploration package is recommended.
The rrt_exploration package should make the three robots expl…
[The tutorial ](http://wiki.ros.org/rrt_exploration/Tutorials/singleRobot) mentions the following:
"When defining the rectangular region for exploration, the sequence of points is important. The s…
Hi Fazil,
I was wondering is it possible to recreate multiple turtlebot3 to run the RRT exploration as shown in the original RRT exploration package?
Also, I managed to get the program running b…
I would like to use the RRT exploration on ROS noetic, but my mobile robot is not moving anymore. Before I started with noetic I used ROS melodic and evertyhing was great. Is there another issue besid…
rrt_exploration/scripts/convenience_util.py 报错cannot import name PoseConvenience
Hello, when I launching single_tb3_house.launch, there is an error with
`while processing /home/leon/catkin_explore/src/multi-robot-rrt-exploration-melodic/ros_multitb3/launch/includes/move_base2…
i met a problem, i think the package is not compact? because when i roslaunch rrt_exploration_tutorial single_simulated_house.launch, i see no tf between /robot_1/odom and /robot_1/base_footprint,
When I run roslaunch rrt_exploration_tutorials multiple_simulated_house.launch, in time I get the below error. How can I fix this?
[map_merge/map_merge-18] process has died [pid 3766, exit cod…
Hey @hikashi
You have mentioned [here](https://answers.ros.org/question/380506/failed-to-transform-the-goal-pose-from-map-to-map-frame/) that the issue was with move_base parameters. Actually I am …
Exploring the concept of autonomous machines, particularly within the context of directions (navigation, decision-making, etc.), involves several technical aspects that combine elements of artificial …