周老师您好,我在运行06_Abundance.sh时遇到一些问题,bwa mem -M -Y -t 8 -o sam/${SampleID}.sam ${GeneCatalog}/02_cdhit_cluster/PIGC90_cds.fna ${CleanData}/${SampleID}.clean_R1.fastq.gz ${CleanData}/${SampleID}.clean_R1.f…
ForkPoolWorker-2: [====________________] 22% (9.3GB/40.7GB) ForkPoolWorker-2: [09:06:18] Error accessing 'https://d.pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/file'
ForkPoolWorker-2: [09:06:18] Function: _downchu…
The fastq table seems damaged as it only contains two columns:
> dbGetQuery(sra_con, 'PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(fastq)')
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
1 0 run_accession TEXT…
I used fastq-dump to get fastq_1 and fastq_2 from the download file and your script to separate fastq files. But there are some thing wrong with transformed fastq files. The separated DNA and R…
Hi, @hasindu2008
When I use f5c to eventalign RNA004 data, the system popped up this bug and crashed.
Here are a few screenshots.
Here is my code:
`for i in input; do`
`echo $i`
`mkdir -p…
### Description of the bug
Some times this lint is a warning, sometimes it's a failure?
│ vcf_annotate_snpeff │ subworkflows/nf-core/vcf_annotat… │ n…
Is there a way that for >=0.8.1 dorado basecallers that the appending of run-name on dorado demux fastq files be an option? I have a custom script that is identifying fastq files based off …
Hi aMeta devs, I'm encountering an error setting up and running aMeta that I was hoping to get some help with.
This is my first time using snakemake so apologies if this error is very obvious.
Hi there!
Thanks again for the active development.
I have a problem with the validateFQ in the version 3.0.0. I have the error:
Error in rule validateFQ:
jobid: 26
input: /scratch/hhu/…
Hi!I'm the beginner there!when I run the example code `cycads --fastq /opt/Cycads/test/ecoli.fq.gz --output_dir /data/work --sample_name fa `,there generate folder fa.so after quality control,whic…