I've been playing with `kiss-icp` package and testing it with some real-world data that people may have. And it performed well in most cases which is just amazing to see and kudos to the team to make …
I am trying to read Lidar and IMU packets using the Python SDK 0.5.1 from a OS-1-32-U0 sensor running 2.4.0 firmware. When the frame_id reaches 65535, I no longer seem to receive any more Lidar packet…
Hello All,
I am trying to convert ouster recorded .pcap data to CSV format. When I try to run the linked code https://static.ouster.dev/sdk-docs/api.html#ouster.sdk.examples.pcap.pcap_to_csv it is…
Good afternoon
I have two sensors OS-0-64-U02.
Both have configured UDP Port Lidar and UDP Port IMU (different on each lidar), they are connected via a gigabit switch. I set up a static IP for the…
Hello, I've got a setup consisting of the OS1-128 lidar and a Brick v2 IMU, a 9-axis external IMU. I have managed to get the configuration up and running, orientation seems mostly fine, but the proble…
您好!我的静止不动运行r3live时能顺利生成正确点云,但对设备进行微小位移时就会出现大幅度路径漂移问题。如图,仅仅移动了一点点r3live就显示路径就开始乱窜,请问怎么解决呢。雷达使用的是livox-mid40,没有自带imu,相机使用的是azura kinect dk,imu使用的是kinect的imu
![屏幕截图 2022-04-04 15:26:57](https://user-ima…
I have a ouster-32ch lidar.
I logged all data[lidar, imu, gps] under 1 Hz.
When I run `roslaunch fast_lio mapping_ouster64.launch`, nothing worked on Rviz.
I have tested KITTI dataset (10H…
Hi all,
I'm running ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04. I'm using an Ouster lidar sensor as an external camera trigger for a FLIR BlackFly S USB3 camera. However, it seems when I launch the node the camera F…
Hi, Professor Gao, Can I use a lidar (like the Ouster lidar) to implement Ego-planner for path planning?
If so, where do the changes need to be made?
I have a Ouster OS2-128 sensor and I want to see how my processing performs on a sensor with lower number of beams.
What is the easiest way to get my sensor to behave as a 64 or 32 beam?