你好,我在启动Gemini2L的launch文件后,用Rviz看画面,帧率足够。但是一旦ros2 topic hz/echo 或者ros2 bag record时,帧率就暴跌(在rviz上可以看到,帧率降到3帧左右,而且有很高的延迟)。
我的计算设备是Nvidia Jetson Orin NX,ubuntu22.04 ros2 foxy
I launched Rviz and open config.rviz with rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 map my_frame 100.
Rviz opens, but says "no map received"
![no map](https://user-i…
error: ‘setw’ is not a member of ‘std’; did you mean ‘set’?
in src/rviz_cloud_annotation/src/rviz_cloud_annotation_points.h add
error: ‘CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR’ was not declared in this sco…
When i run the rviz and view the markers being published it's color is not changeing from white to any other colour. Here is the screenshot i took: [https://answers.ros.org/question/353188/white-color…
All tutorial for simulation are based on Gazebo and rviz. If I want to use other emulator, how can I extract the urdf and srdf of xarm6 with Two-finger gripper or which xacro should I use ? Looking fo…
I have followed the steps on the github but i still get this error any ideas how to fix. Running ROS2 Foxy on the jetson nano. Ubuntu 20.04.
![Screenshot from 2023-12-07 14-38-29](https://github.com/…
Hi. I run the algorithm on ROS2 with my recorded ros bag file from Carla (Velodyne LiDAR.) I have the IMU noise values from the imu_utils package and it seems right. However, to test it on the lio_sam…
[rviz-25] process has died [pid 7453, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/noetic/lib/rviz/rviz -d /home/hyx020222/planner_ws/src/Fast-Planner/plan_manage/config/Fast-Planner.rviz __name:=rviz __log:=/hom…
Hi, I am interested in simulating Bruno. I would like to know if the repository is for ROS Humble or ROS Galactic?. I tried simulating it in ROS Humble, but I encountered an error.
I was following your tutorial and I have successfully installed Ros2Humble, created the workspace, cloned the needed repos and run the example. Everything is running as expected, at least vi…