Thanks for your excellent work.I am interested in your system hardware requirement. which kind of IMU did you employ to acquire the Robosense 16 Rosbag(multi-floor)?as my imu usually will have large d…
Hi, I am using fast_lio with ouster in humble. I am using ouster pointcloud and built-in imu, but it is showing poor mapping results. What exactly do these parameters mean, how to use them, and are th…
I tried almost everything but I couldn't get the IMU sensor to work at around ~200HZ or the 3D LiDAR sensor to work at around ~10Hz. Is there any solution?
Supply IMU IC for easy connection and fastening of a tiny IC containing our IMU
We're using a BMI323 IMU, connected over the I2C0 bus. This module needs to be able to communicate with it and return relevant data.
Also consider any calibration that is required for the module to w…
I am developing a reinforcement learning (RL) policy for a mobile manipulator composed of a Clearpath Ridgeback omni-directional base and a Kuka arm. The goal is to control the robot to reach specif…
> I made some tests with the two Prime Hubs I have available.
> I think the accelaration threashold can be completely left out. This is the one that is most sensible to vibrations and shock. Trampl…
Hi all
I am trying to use libgazebo_ros_imu_sensor.so plugin with ros2. The relevent part of urdf is given below:
hello i am trying openvins on jetson nano
camera: raspberry pi camera v2
imu: mpu9250
and the system:
感谢您如此出色工作! 不过我在使用程序处理无人机自采数据,使用的是livox avia雷达所以采用了这里的avia配置。
程序在前几十秒处理正常,没有任何问题 但是当运行到八九十秒时,突然进程死掉了。以下是终端信息:
Key Frame:29, cloud size:24861
proj normal:0 0 1
[ mapping ]: time: IMU + Map + Input D…