Firstly, thank you very much for this amazing project!
When I want to run some demos with the commands presented in the README file **I always get this error**:
```ii, jj = torch.as_te…
I got some code syntax error,may I ask you about your test platform. Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04.
And if needing to satisfy with requirements for stella_vslam
I'm currently attempting to run the repo for Raspi Camera. I noticed that at the beginning it can record map points, but when I turn the camera to another direction, it just stop recording ( Yo…
Why I use the same execute:
`./Monocular-Inertial/mono_inertial_euroc ../Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ./Monocular-Inertial/EuRoC.yaml /home/zsj/Desktop/MH01 ./Monocular-Inertial/EuRoC_TimeStamps/MH01.txt da…
May I ask if this is complete?
Regarding bumblebee, I noticed https://github.com/ori-mrg/robotcar-dataset-sdk/tree/master/models only has Pinhole intrinsic calibration for stereo_narrow_left. stereo_narrow_right, stereo_wide_left, …
The original reference[ page](https://vision.in.tum.de/research/vslam/lsdslam?redirect=1) talks about extension to stereo experiments. However, it is not clearly say if the code available is only of t…
Has anyone attempted to pass in known points to init mono slam at correct scale? Eg:
Find chessboard in scene.
Pass those points through to ORBSLAM2 as an initial map.
Would this be huge nightm…
Hi, I am using images collected from a car to run ORB-SLAM2. I found there was sever scale shift in the SLAM results from my monocular data. So I would like to add constraints to make it more stable. …
ghost updated
3 years ago
Hey there,
I'm a beginner using orbslam and ros. I have a question regarding the pose which is published to tf.
I'm using a kinect camera on top of a turtlebot3. When moving forward on an even …