我在本项目中使用 mid40+ch229(imu)+ ros_noetic。但是发现:一开始标定还正常(整体还像个房间)。但三个都到100%后,无论是否做refine ,程序都认为静止的东西仍在运动(不仅仅是误差大,而且是整体上把静止当做运动的了)。(如下图,整个过程中我都在座位上)。我猜测可能是fastlio部分的原因?因为我在运行fastlio库的代码(完全没有外参标定)也出现了这种情况。li…
hello, can this net use /livox/lidar`s topic type as livox_ros_driver/CustomMsg?
Hi, following the instruction of [time synchronization](https://github.com/Livox-SDK/Livox-SDK/wiki/livox-device-time-synchronization-manual) I manged to install ptp4l and run the ptp sync with livox …
I have gotten the package to work with the Livox Avia using Ros2 foxy (seeing the vector transformations in terminal), however I was wondering if there was a way to overlay the initial map on …
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (npoints >= 0 && (depth == 5 || depth == 6)) in projectPoints, file /tmp/binarydeb/ros-kinetic-opencv3-3.3.1/modules/calib3d/src/calibrati…
We are using Livox tele-15.
Does changing the Lidar state from "Standby" to "Normal" and back to "Standby" may be equivalent to trigger event, or changing the lidar state from "Standby" to "No…
Hi all,
I try to use this package with LIVOX HAP LiDAR.
I set up my LiDAR as follows:
frame_id = base_link
topic type: sensor_msgs/Pointcloud2
I already tried to use this code with livox…
I'm not very familiar with Gazebo and unsure how to launch it with this plugin. I don't see an executable in CMakeLists.txt that `ros2 run` would find or any launch files for `ros2 launch`. How do y…
Hello everyone. Great work and system. I would like to ask if you plan on supporting zero velocity update soon.