The .cfg files in this repo need fixing (similar as jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_common#1359): e.g. https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_control/blob/be2468326eba643b858f73e4b50aab5c369f90de/jsk_footstep_planner/cfg…
We want to obtain the value of pepper's /joint_states/effort topic.
This topic name exists, but no value returns.
Maybe we can gain same topic value of PR2, and could you tell us what we have to do t…
When I tried `rosrun opencv_apps convex_hull image:=/pepper_robot/naoqi_driver_node/camera/front/image_raw`, I got this error: `[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named convex_hull below /opt/ro…
roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
roslaunch turtlebot_bringup 3dsensor.launch
roslaunch roseus_tutorials checkerboard_detector.launch rect0_size_x:=0.025 rect0_size_y:=0.025 grid0_size_x…
- [x] hand touchに反応するプログラム
- [x] 安全装置を切れるプログラム -> 放置していた自分のプログラムを完成させる
- [x] たくさん喋らないようにする
- [x] 顔が動くようにする
- [x] 実機で確認する
- [x] 顔の動きをい…
bottom_cameraMight be a NAOqi problem. Try to restart the ALVideoDevice.
bottom_cameraCamera Handle is empty - cannot retrieve image
bottom_cameraMight be a NAOqi problem. Try to restart the ALVid…
It only appears to be a few. I suspect these are the failed import jobs.
The data here is slowly accumulating. It's not a huge rate but it should be cleaned up.
1. use choregraphe
2. deadline: 24/10/2015
following slides contents
time length: more than eight minutes
checking compatibility of Naoqi 2.0 (old Pepper), 2.1 (Nao), 2.3 (new Pepper)
Anybody actually tested the released packages for dcm ?
Given that the sdk is not provided, the nodes are not compiled so you cannot run any dcm node out of the box. Does it make sense to keep releas…
It is just a memo, sorry for my trouble. I will close this issue as soon as possible.
I want to know whether the discussion "prevent calling ros::init without name; use node_name command option instea…