I get a Segmentation fault when loading a geo-file in mapviz. I have attached the gdb output in the file gdb.txt and the geo-file in kjeller.txt (renamed from kjeller.geo as github does not suppo…
Dear all,
My ROS version is Indigo and Gazebo 2.0.
At first, I install rtmros-common, then I try to install rtmros_tutorial.
Everything goes well untill this procedure:
`catkin_make --only-pkg-with-d…
I modified the project that will compile to the new version of ros - indigo.
please add a branch name indigo, that it will be identical to groovy branch,
and i will pull request my modification.
dual jointの部分で無理な姿勢を取らせるとout_of_rangeで止まるというのは何度かあったのですが,腰に関してほとんど問題無さそうな姿勢で起こっています.
rostopic pub /aero_controller/command trajectory_msgs/JointTr…
When I want to get all Topics and Params use getParams,getTopics method, I got this ERROR log in rosbridge_server log:
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1472880684.868432] Error processing request:
can I use the version of ros-indigo
While attempting to install ROS Indigo on a factory reset Nao V5 (OpenNao 2.1.4) I encountered the similar problem as what is discussed here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ros-sig-aldebaran/…
hey I just wanted to use your code to get cortex data in ROS.
I tried on ubuntu 14.04 , ROS : both indigo and kinetic
ubuntu 16.04 Ros : kinetic
I tried many times.
when trying to use "rosl…
I'm a complete beginner, I needed to try out your scripts so I wanted to download turtlebot_bringup package for ROS kinetic.
I can't downgrade to ROS indigo because I'm running ROS on raspberry …
Some methods such as get param in https://github.com/ros/ros_comm/blob/indigo-devel/clients/roscpp/src/libros/param.cpp#L312 are implemented with calls to master::execute with wait_for_master=false.