I have problems concerning the initialization of ethzasl_sensor_fusion. I try to simulate ethzasl_sensor_fusion with ethzasl_ptam in a Gazebo simulation (robot = PR2).
My World-Frame is a 2D-Ma…
In `gazebo_ros_imu_sensor.cpp`:
> Line 58: `node = new ros::NodeHandle(this->robot_namespace);`
This pointer is never deleted.
Additionally, there is a small problem in the destructor:
source: http://docs.ros.org/melodic/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/NavSatFix.html
Create a simple LIN driver that interfaces with sensors
Will need test hardware
Adding IMU via json code (https://www.svlsimulator.com/docs/simulation-content/sensors-list/#imu):
"type": "ImuSensor",
"name": "IMU",
"params": {
"Topic": "/imu",
Describe the bug
Hey, I found when launch camera(1920x1080 yuv), one of serval record files will has drop 2~12 seconds.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. use orin 32G and installe…
The paper and website mentioned GNSS/IMU sensors, but they seem not to be released yet. Are they going to be released later?
Hi all,
I aim to use your calibration solution for the camera/IMU.
I have a question please, how can I get the initial guess about extrinsic parameters for the camera and the IMU sensors?
Does thi…
## Pseudo GPS
As the moon currently does not have satellites to give GPS positions, we will be developing relative positioning system.
### Design
The program takes the IMU sensor data (accelerati…
I see that real sense is supported by VINS-mono. Which model is that?
Where does the performance of the real sense fit in the following scale?
(global shutter camera + synchronized high-e…