I'd use it more if there were a high-level trajectory estimation with irregular sensor timings, akin to the OCP one.
The feature that makes a new pose trajectory graph every time the algorithm loses track. Can this feature be disabled somehow? so that it continues to stitch the upcoming estimation after it lost trac…
This morning I ran into a problem using opty for a simulation (Example 10.59 from Betts' book)
With the help from @tjstienstra I found the problem was that I used sympy.pi in the equations of motion.…
hi, I used "MMAUD V1 Rooftop Simple" from "https://github.com/ntu-aris/MMAUD", and tried to follow your trajectory estimation part. **May I know how you deal with the V1 datasets into train and val s…
Hi there,
Thanks for your excellent code. I am running your code using my own Mujoco model to do peg hole insertion with algorithm_traj_opt only, (No neural net yet). It seems the first 15 iterati…
**Problem Description**
Add a Lissajous reference trajectory so that the we can excite all axis of the vehicle for control inputs
With other sensors, I got the trajectory of the camera at a real scale in a scene. The trajectory is not very accurate in a long time, but relatively accurate in a short time, and I want to use the ge…
Hi, I want to output the estimated trajectory, and compute ATE&PRE. I have tried to modify the code and got the estimation data (p,q,v,bw,ba) successfully. But when I use the output data and the groun…
The following is what I see in real time
However, the output file with …