| Required Info | …
I finally get the imu data from my hololens! Thanks a lot~. But I notice that the imu data is a 4x4 matrix like this
[[ 0.05868477 -0.9801954 0.18913764 0. ]
[-0.96467817 -0.00694191…
In addition to estimating robot pose, does google cartographer also estimate the accelerometer and gyroscope bias? Or, does it just use raw IMU measurements to extrapolate pose between lidar scans?
### Proposal
Investigate the use of physx.tensor.api for body acceleration calculations in IMU sensor using Using Isaac Sim 4.2. Previous versions of the accelerations had some bugs with regard to …
Hey! Firstly, thanks for great paper and code!
I used this tool for intrinsics and extrinsics: https://github.com/hku-mars/LiDAR_IMU_Init
I need help on understanding how to implement those values f…
IMU data is not published anymore.
- run `luxonis/rae-ros-robot:humble`
- run either `robot.launch.py` or `bringup.launch.py` w/o LED node
- run `ros2 topic echo /rae/imu/data`
Hi, thanks for your great work!
I've built the GNSS_SI under the ROS directory following your instructions. And the executable file is generated without errors:
[ 75%] Linking CXX execut…
您好,最近在利用fast livo调试HILTTI-2022的数据集,激光里程计已经可以成功运行,但是结合相机这块一直调试有问题,无法正常跟踪特征点,以下是我配置的参数表,麻烦郑博可以点拨一二,感谢!!!
feature_extract_enable : 0
point_filter_num : 1
max_iteration : 10
debug: 1
I got the output working for tutorial01 basic accel/gyro angles, but moving on to the 2nd tutorial regarding the inclinometer, when running the compiled program, i get "NO IMU DETECTED" and upon looki…