i download the livox SDK2 and livox_ros_driver2,and set host IP and lidar IP in the config file, but when i run the cmd: ros2 launch livox_ros_drivers msg_MID360.launch, I meet this problems:
![2021-12-12 10-02-41 的屏幕截图](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93424904/145698297-55c77360-24a6-4f…
I want to perform real time object detection by processing the point cloud data that the Livox Mid-40 is sensing in real time.
The sample program of OpenPyLivox captures the streamed point clo…
Hello, thank you very much for your incredible work!
After using your tool to calibrate the data you provided and the data we collected ourselves, I have several questions:
1. The calibration re…
GPS:为了实现GPS同步,雷达/Hub需要同时接收PPS和UTC时间戳。对于Horizon/Tele-15/Mid-70/Avia,雷达单元可以通过以太网在控制指令中获得UTC时间戳。Livox Hub可以通过RS485串口在$GPRMC信息中获得UTC时间戳。
Horizon 和 Tele 15
what is the details of the host machine used with alpha lidar?
also is the external IMU necessary in case of Livox Lidar's with inbuilt IMU?
Hello Thank you for your work!
I want to ask whether Livox lidar is supported. If so, can you provide a config file of Livox?
In addition, I want to ask whether it is possible to set only the LI…
我在配好Livox AVIA对应的环境后,运行了livox_ros2_driver并且获得了AVIA的点云。但是该点云的消息格式为Type:livox_interfaces/msg/CustomMsg 。这与本项目中的消息格式不符,导致程序无法获得点云。我注意到本项目中处理原始点云的代码是 if (p_pre->lidar_type == AVIA)
My Lidar's azimuth FOV is only ~100 [deg] .
What would be the best way to tweak the model or some configuration so it will work?
Currently the range images (and also the residual images) are ve…
As I can see this work runs on individual scans in pcd format, and a csv containing the poses.
Will be there an option to use other datasets, as our own bags?
BALM v1 alowed to use own data…