Thanks for the useful datasets. I found that all extrinsic matrices are provided except LiDAR. Is it valid? If yes, could you please provide it? Thanks a lot!
We currently have subsystems for both ADIS16448 and ADIS16470 IMUs. This allows us to use either of these sensor boards. However, having separate classes for each board is burdensome for other class…
I'm trying to build a BLE Headtracker for gaming using XIA BLE Sense - it has an onboard LSM6DS3TR-C.
I try to run IMUIdentifier - and I'm getting "No IMU detected". Is there a possibility to add sup…
# Todo
- [x] IMU 6050 test with ESP32
- [x] IMU 6050 test with ESP32 publishing to ros2 publisher
- [x] Motor Controller with ros2 subscriber
- [x] Encoder publisher with Int32
- [ ] Encoder publ…
Hello, is it possible to implement orb-slam 3 imu? I've been trying to do this for a week now, I can't get it (it just doesn't compile, constantly referring to differents errors. By correcting them, n…
Dead-reckoning for IMU input. For now, a decoupled solution.
Thanks for posting about your project.
I am using a Tinkerforge IMU_v2 and was wondering what orientation you mounted the imu. Did you put the tabs up and x pointing forward? When I fuse…
I am seeing duplicated IMU measurements
(I find it highly unlikely that every other …
I'm building a similar test setup. This small program primarily retrieves IMU data from the serial port and publishes it to /chobits/imu.
However, I don't understand what the SERVER_PATH is m…
Hi Mike,
As pointed out at http://erlerobotics.gitbooks.io/erlerobot/en/mavlink/ros/autopilot_bridge.html
it seems like the ROS topic `/autopilot/imu` can be _echoed_ but not plotted with rqt_plot.