[`NormalSpaceDataPointsFilter::inPlaceFilter` has an assert](https://github.com/ethz-asl/libpointmatcher/blob/master/pointmatcher/DataPointsFilters/NormalSpace.cpp#L91) to ensure that normals are norm…
$:~/Programs/rtabmap/build$ make
Scanning dependencies of target rtabmap_utilite
[ 0%] Building CXX object utilite/src/CMakeFiles/rtabmap_utilite.dir/UEventsManager.cpp.o
[ 1%] Building CXX…
Thank you for releasing this amazing segment based LidarSLAM Framework.
I have read several papers related to this framework.
- Learning 3D Segment Descriptors for Place Recognition
- SegMatch: Seg…
Thanks for the answer. Furthermore:
The ZED-ROS-wrapper requires the huge and costly PCL routine. I wonder if libpointmatcher isn't doing already some of these same things; so both wouldn't be needed…
I install boost ,but checking for package BOOST_THREAD... no, and then configure: error: cannot build the Vision Workbench core modules!
checking build syste…
I already parse the csv files and store them as Eigen matrices, is there any way to pass the eigen matrix directly to the libpointmatcher?
I do some filtering of the data before doing the IC…
Velodyne HDL-64E produces a topic (type: sensor_msgs::PointCloud2) showing the environmental pointclouds and odom can produce a topic (type: nav_msgs/Odometry) describing the robot moving. And the tra…
I wanted to know if there are translations / rotations limitations for the library.
Also, are there any limits to the minimum number of points required for the ICP to work?
recently i have tried to run **demo_two_kinects.launch** .
Since i want this file to work on 2 Xtion Pro live cameras instead of 2 Kinects cameras, I tried manipulate the file from:
See details at https://github.com/ethz-asl/libnabo/issues/81
Probably segfaults due to libnabo now returning -1 instead of 0 for an invalid index here: https://github.com/ethz-asl/libpoin…