# DrivebaseS (6995 Classic)
## Description
The drivebase that moves the robot around the field. It has 3 traction wheels on either side of the robot and the center pair slightly …
__Originally posted by @bmagyar in https://github.com/ros-controls/ros2_controllers/pull/131__
i am trying to use Roboteq-Inc /ROS-Driver for my Differential drive robot. when i launch the driver.launch file. i see the only left motor running at turtle speed. and the right motor not movi…
4ff4n updated
3 years ago
When given a trajectory to follow the SwerveControllerCommand will not accurately follow it; instead it dilates the whole trajectory so that while it can travel 0.25 meters accurately, it will not tra…
Point clouds generated by LOAM (IMU not used) :
This needs:
- [x] configurable crc failure resistance in [xv11lidar](https://github.com/bmegli/xv11lidar/) library
- [x] config and use of above in `ev3laser` in [ev3dev-mapping-modules](https://g…
I know that in husky it is used[ diff_drive_controller](http://wiki.ros.org/diff_drive_controller) from ROS to achieve the velocities control. Please could I know if it is possible to acce…
As one can see for the following Item, Senior Theses Items imported from submissions for certificate programs are members of multiple collections, one being the departmental collection, the other bein…
Hi, would be possible to use this mpc package with another differential drive robot model? I'd need to use it for my model with the libgazebo_ros_diff_drive.so plugin, so I wonder if I could change th…
mrm20 updated
3 years ago
## Design requirements
Port over the differential drive controller plugin from [`ros-controls/ros_controllers`](https://github.com/ros-controls/ros_controllers/tree/melodic-devel/diff_drive_controlle…