First of all, thank you for creating this lidar-based SLAM. In particular, that it works for ROS2 Humble. :)
So far, it's working really well. I use it with a Velodyne VLP-16 for outdoor use…
I am using OpenVSLAM to create a map and then I go to localization mode. The problem is that my odometry drifts quite a bit and localization does not occur often and I need my robot to be as ac…
Hi. For the first, thank you for sharing ur excellent work to us.
By the way, I'm confused with some implementation.
As far as I know, LOAM algorithms uses 2 optimizations - 1 for lidar odometry…
I've been trying to use LIO-SAM to map a ros2bag recorded in carla, however I'm not able to make it work.
The topics I have are the following ones:
ros2 topic list
^Croot@nw-ext01:/workspace# ros2 topic list
Great job! May I ask how I can integrate the ego planner code if my sensor is a 3D LiDAR instead of a binocular camera?
I really admire your work and currently I am working on the multiple cameras setup for SLAM and localization.
The difficult thing of this is that two cameras detect the lines and the masked im…
lid_topic: "/livox/lidar"
imu_topic: "/livox/imu"
con_frame: false # true: if you need to combine several LiDAR frames into one
con_frame_num: 1 …
First of all, your job is really brilliant.
I am new for slam, and I have test your method by our own data collected by hesai lidar and stim 300 imu, but the rqt_gragh result shows that only the lida…