Hello. In this code, I'm trying to get the uav to hover at a waypoint ( [0.1,-0.3,0.5] ) via the computecontrolfromstate function
``` """ROS2 Python node for random control.
It subscribes to avia…
Do you have the ROS2 version available
In the environment of ROS2 humble version on Ubuntu 22.04, I have successfully run the ros2-for-unity plugin, but I found some defects in ros2 humble. So, I want to replace ROS2 humble with the Iron v…
I have troubles opening a bag for export.
Ros2 distro is Humble running on Ubuntu
When i run:
`ros2 run ros2_bag_exporter bag_exporter --ros-args -p config_file:="exporter_config.yaml"`
i ge…
## Description
I would like to have a flag that allows to specify the time length of a record of a ros2 bag.
## Related Issues
I cannot specify the time length when I want to record a bag file.…
**Describe the bug**
When building glim and glim_ros2 with ./glim_ros2/docker/deb/Dockerfile.ros2 dockerfile.
I now get a fatal error gtsam_points/config.hpp: No such file or directory. In the …
Ros2 humble ubuntu 22.04.
the port connection /tmp/ttyUR
`[ERROR] [1732020153.874565794] [RobotiqGripperHardwareInterface]: Cannot configure the Robotiq gripper: IO Exception (2): No such file or dir…
**Describe the bug**
I am trying to start a ROS2 project by following this tutorial: https://docs.o3de.org/docs/user-guide/interactivity/robotics/project-configuration/
I have freshly installed O3DE…
fjnn updated
21 hours ago
We have 2 physical machines in one local network
Ubuntu 24.04
ros2 jazzy
run on the server
fastdds discovery -i 0 -t -q 42100
1 terminal
I'm pretty sure the following command in the Readme `ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard` should be updated to `ros2 run champ_teleop champ_teleop.py` because of the package name here…