Dear Ha X. Dang,
Hello, I am trying to analyze clonal evolution using PyClone and ClonEvol.
I have two WES samples from one patient.
When I followed the manual, I could not infer clonal model…
android.graphics.Canvas.throwIfCannotDraw (Canvas.java:1282)
android.view.GLES20Canvas.drawBitmap (GLES20Canvas.java:593)
com.tmall.wireless.vaf.virtualview.view.image.c.b (VirtualImage.j…
Since variant allele frequency (VAF), allele depth (AD), depth (DP) is the fundamental information to interpret NGS data, but unfortunately it is not readily available in the outputs from Strelka.
I get the following error when running generateFishplotInputs(). Can you please help me fix this? I have attached the input data.txt file for your reference.
f = generateFishplotInputs(resu…
I am using Pindel to call indels in our samples, Our samples are tumor-normal samples, and it's target sequencing data, the library was constructed by capturing.
I used BWA mem to map the tr…
Getting the following error when trying to estimate `median_vaf_purity` on a combined/merged VCF file.
/home/jacquelineburos/projects/cohorts/cohorts/functions.py in grab_vaf(variant)
Hi Adam,
I'm trying to insert an SNP in a BAM file (30.000X coverage), using the following input:
`chr17 7674230 7674230 1 T`
With REF=C and hg=hg38.
As you can see from the log it takes the…
python /home/kpadmin/biosoft/TMB/bin/pyTMB.py -i /home/kpadmin/TMB/LST_norm.vcf --effGenomeSize 33280000 --dbConfig /home/kpadmin/biosoft/TMB/config/snpeff.yml --varConfig /home/kpadmin/biosoft/TMB/co…
Currently we detect mutations at frequencies as low as 5% and rescue hotspot mutations as low as 2%. We should also be rescuing mutations that are `Likely Oncogenic`, `Predicted Oncogenic` and `Oncoge…
When I run infer.clonal.models, an error occurred.
y = infer.clonal.models(variants = data,
cluster.col.name = 'cluster',
vaf.col.names = vaf.col.names,
ccf.col.names = ccf.c…