The `gps/gps` topic publishing [gps_common/GPSFix](http://docs.ros.org/hydro/api/gps_common/html/msg/GPSFix.html) messages is [using](https://github.com/swri-robotics/novatel_gps_driver/blob/master/no…
OEM7 has introduced a new log called [CORRIMUS](https://docs.novatel.com/OEM7/Content/SPAN_Logs/CORRIMUS.htm) which replaces the CORRIMUDATA log. The driver should check the firmware version of the No…
Now I'm using the dataset to evakuate our SLAM project.I found the ground truth provided by the topics /novatel_data/inspvax contains longitude, latitude and altitude,but I need the pose of X Y Z axis…
We appreciate you go through Apollo documentations and search previous issues before creating an new one. If neither of the sources helped you with your issues, please report the issue using the follo…
Dear All,
I want to get position information and elevation angle of the satellites, but I find that this driver only interpret parser the log request as follow:
I am new to this driver and I plan to use the ROS1 Version of it.
With commit f29f11e348b422e3148ac9a5c7efeedf8e36115b the suppport of the `RAWIMUX` is provided! Super cool, thx for this.
But i …
Hi authors,
Thanks for your wonderful work.
1. I would like to ask how you generate the translation for the lidar to imu calibration [data](https://github.com/PJLab-ADG/SensorsCalibration/blob…
2021-10-26-16-21-29-468 0.999999487 0.000000001 0.000000005 0.000000000 0.000000001 1.000000458 0.000000061 0.000000000 0.000000005 0.000000061 1.000000354 0.000000000
2021-10-26-16-21-29-568 0.99999…
We use serial port to record "INSPVAA" and "CORRIMUDATAA"。
The launch file is:
The c…
**Describe the bug**
The ROS driver outputs a nav_msgs/Odometry message under the topic `/novatel/oem7/odom` that contains the filtered pose and velocity estimates. The pose message is complete, howe…