I'm uisng the latest master with Julia 1.4. Basic LSP functions do work but the jumpt to definition and find references. In case of definitions, I can within the file but not to functions or variable…
I have a huge challenge to host this Gulp.js Bootstrap website on Heroku. Can i know if anyone has set it up on Heroku. Can i know if anyone could help me with the process steps ?
Await wikisource proofreading completion [here](https://sa.wikisource.org/wiki/%E0%A4%85%E0%A4%A8%E0%A5%81%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%A3%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%BE:ADictionaryOfSanskrit…
I got strange 7 cases which have ¯N. in the pw.txt
Line 187906: #{pra} •Med. , ‹ausnahmsweise •Act.› #{prayukta} ‹stets mit pass. Bed.› ²1) {%anschirren , anspannen , ~ an%} (•Loc.). ²2) {%s…
i updated and still the same problem
i am on Windows 10 and i cant get my itch io app to get on my screen
i can see a preview of it with ALT TAB
but i cant get it on my screen , even if i use th…
[stdabbrv.py](https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/PWK/blob/master/pw_ls/pw_dhaval/abbrvwork/stdabbrv.py) is the script and [stdabbrv.sh](https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/PWK/blob/master/pw_ls/pw_dh…
Only 13 correction candidates for MCI (Mahabharata Cultural Index) dictionary were identified by faultfinder.
Corrections were made to 6 of these:
001 fzaBa
001 exaka -> elaka: Digitization is 'l2…
This has the last batch of cases (111 - 166) for the Greek text in PW dictionary.
Continue issue 4, cases 61-110 of Greek text in PW dictionary.