I'm currently trying to call variants on a set of candidate genes (specified via `variant_regions`) for 63 WGS samples, and the 'callable regions' step is taking far too long.
Looking at the…
We are starting to pull data that about 'molecular phenotypes' which inhere in molecular entities, activities, or processes. These include things like variants causing altered altered expression, act…
Thanks for developing the cancereffectsizeR tools!
We are performing some genomic analyses comparing the patients before and after treatments. Could we use cancereffectsizeR to quantify differentia…
1) Could non-coding exons interfere with the calculation of the $dist, $d variables in LoF.pm lines 257-263? The code is simply looping over exons in the gene (via perl sub get_gerp_weighted_dist), i.…
Is it possible to get multiple BAM files to appear while using the --track-config option?
My code chunk looks like this:
create_report \
--fasta $genome_fasta \
--output "${…
It is difficult to guess the exact meaning of variants column of Mykrobe results. For some examples below
Would it be possible to print the strand information in the output? i.e. whether the variant is annotated to + or - strand of a specific gene?
While running the following command:
apex cis \
--vcf /mnt/mfs/ctcn/datasets/rosmap/wgs/ampad/variants/snvCombined/DEJ_11898_B01_GRM_WGS_2017-05-15_1.recalibrated_variants.annotated.vcf.gz \
I understand your explanation regarding why some variants are not scored, but none of the possibilities seem to explain why my variant is not scored. Do you have any suggestions?
I am working on converting variants of different formats to gDNA variants I found some items gave different results:
commandline (version : 2.3.4)
hanh@cpuserver:/data/home$ transvar p…