I switched to ros2. In ros2 , vrx repo, when i run ros2 launch vrx_gz competition.launch.py world:=sydney_regatta and visualize it on rviz , lidar detects sea water also alongwith added buoys. whereas…
Binaries in Windows are installed in different directory structures than on Linux. This results in tests not seeing required dependencies.
I'm trying to take the first step of building ros2_controllers inside of the IsaacROSDev containers. But, its not compiling due to problems with gmock.
To recreate, follow the readme instructions h…
Hi, I have encountered an error when building the TiagoSimulation (followed the [readme](https://github.com/pal-robotics/tiago_simulation?tab=readme-ov-file#setup)).
Ubuntu 22
The log…
Hi @hemalshahNV
In a recent set of application demos found here: https://github.com/robosoft-ai/nova_carter_sm_library/tree/main
A bug appeared with the upgrade to the latest version (11/5) of th…
I am encountering unexpected behavior when trying to install the `ConfigSpace` library using `pip` in a clean Docker environment with Ubuntu 22.04 and ROS 2 (Humble) installed. The installation fails …
hi, I am using D435i for RGB-D odometry in ros2 Humble. i would like to know how the odometry is computed. which feature extractors or methods are being used. Is there a parameter file or code where I…
Can this be used with ROS2 humble? I am currently using Humble, is it possible to use it?
I using Ubuntu 22.04 only Gazebo11 classic GUI is working neither ignition nor Hurmonic I have deleted everything related to the classic version to see if it is the problem but nothing happend the G…
Thank you for sharing such useful code. I am currently operating a Go2 EDU system, and the Jetson NX in the expansion dock is set up with Foxy and Noetic. The README assumes Humble is being …