thanks for sharing your work.
when I try to run rosrun allan_variance_ros cookbag.py --input workspace/imu_calibration.bag --output workspace/cooked_rosbag.bag
I get this error :Failed to load Pyth…
Hello. I am a newbie to IMU.
Can you help me out in collecting data from IMU using Rosbag?
Do we need to collect data by exciting all IMU axes (rotation and translation)?
In the description it …
First of all thank you so much for this great open source work and for your instant replies for clearing our doubts.
I am performing state estimation for ZED2 camera and I am currently facing …
In the wiki page on [IMU noise models](https://github.com/ethz-asl/kalibr/wiki/IMU-Noise-Model#from-the-datasheet-of-the-imu) it is written that:
> In combination with the strength of the "white no…
I'm doing Allan variance analysis on OAK's IMU. I recorded 10 hours of rosbag for each OAK camera. Now I read ACCELEROMETER_RAW and GYROSCOPE_RAW at 100Hz. For BMI270, these seem to be the only t…
Hi! I read in the `GaussianNoiseModel::ApplyImpl(double _in, double _dt)` function that it's implementation is based on [the one available in Rotors](https://github.com/ethz-asl/rotors_simulator/blob/…
How did u get acc and gyro bias params for ur imu ????
We have tried to use the Kalibr package to perform extrinsic calibration of a D415 realsense camera and an IMU. A sample dataset is provided with [this](https://hitechroboticsystemz2-my.shar…
To help provide better predictions of radiosondes launches for all the launch sites that appear on the tracker map, we need information on:
What times of the day, and what days of the week radioson…