I am just started to work with metacoder, but I have a simple question. When I import a phyloseq object with parse phyloseq I can see the all components correctly imported. However, in the otu_t…
Perform research for samples and objectives
- [ ] Clarify what these scientific sample things are
- [ ] Verify that things are mostly rooted in real science
I am getting this error while downloading the database through kraken2.
`kraken2-build --standard --threads 70 --db kraken2_bacteria_db
Downloading nucleotide gb accession to taxon m…
| | |
| ---- | ---- |
| **Label** | Kingdom |
| **Definition** | The full scientific name of the kingdom in which the taxon is classified. |
| **Usage** | The full scientific name of the kingdom…
I would like to create some barplots with calculated values of an absolute abundance.
I have a Phyloseq object with relative abundance values, created like this from a standard count table of il…
Currently all genomes are downloaded as cryptic filenames, such as: "GCF_000469325.1.fna"
De FASTA header of that file is:
"NZ_KI271582.1 Lactobacillus shenzhenensis LY-73 genomic scaffold LY73.Sc…
Typo on https://chtoes.li/a-mole-of-moles
> \тся, она высвобождает огромное количество энергии в виде тепла. **|Но в условиях, созданных на этой планете, давления в сотни мегапаскаль достаточно, чтоб…
I was just wondering if it could be possible to get a better documentation on what it is and what it does each of the parameters of the config file. What happens if I decrease or increase such and suc…
I want to use roary to get a nice phylogeny of my very close related bacteria (indeed they are nearly the same).
I have them annotated and know that they have ~ 90% identical genes in the same arrang…
Comparing a test run from 201223 and 200224 there is a slight difference in the output. The first one detect 91 reads towards Leptospira yasudae. The second run detects 90. There is no difference in t…